hang-up | n (sl ), [various translations]: he obviously has a ~ about women by the way he shuns them, cara dia mengelakkan diri drpd perempuan jelas menunjukkan bahawa dia tdk sukakan perempuan; she’s got a ~ about her appearance, dia terlalu risau ttg rupanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ up about st, (usu pass.), [various translations]: he’s hung up about meeting new people, dia malu utk bertemu dgn orang-orang yg belum dikenalinya; his mother is hung up about being on her own, ibunya takut tinggal seorang diri; ~ up on so., a. put down telephone receiver, meletakkan gagang telefon: she hung up on me every time I called her, dia meletakkan gagang telefon setiap kali saya menelefonnya; b. (usu pass.), (sl) have an obsession about so., tergila-gilakan sso: she’s hung up on that fellow, dia tergila-gilakan lelaki itu; ~ up on st, see ~ up about st; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ up, a. suspend with a string, cord, etc, menggantungkan: he does not ~ up his clothes after taking them off, dia tdk menggantungkan pakaian selepas menanggalkannya; b. place on chair, hook, etc, menyangkutkan; c. put telephone receiver down, meletakkan gagang telefon: he hung up before I had finished talking, dia meletakkan gagang telefon sebelum saya habis bercakap; d. (usu pass.) delay, tergendala: the peace talks were hung up because of renewed fighting, perbincangan perdamaian tergendala krn pertempuran meletus semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ together, a. co-operate, unite, bersatu: we shall succeed if we ~ together, kita akan berjaya jika kita bersatu; b. be cohesive, sepadu: the story does not ~ together as the plot keeps changing, cerita itu tdk sepadu krn plotnya sentiasa berubah-ubah; c. be consistent, selaras: the witnesses’ accounts don’t ~ together, keterangan-keterangan saksi tdk selaras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ over, a.> overhang, menjulai: the branches hung over the water, dahan-dahan itu menjulai ke air; b. suspend from a surface to cover, menggantung(kan) [sst] di: she hung her favourite paintings all over the wall, dia menggantungkan lukisan-lukisan kegemarannya di merata dinding; c. about to happen to, menyelubungi, mengelubungi: (to individual) selalu /mengganggu, menghantui/ fikiran: the threat of a nuclear war is ~ing over us, ancaman akan terjadinya perang nuklear menyelubungi kita; the final examination is ~ing over me, peperiksaan akhir selalu mengganggu fikiran saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ out, a. lean out, menjulurkan kepala: children love ~ing out of car windows, kanak-kanak suka menjulurkan kepala di tingkap kereta; b. (of tongue) terjelir: the thirsty dog was panting and its tongue was ~ing out, anjing yg kehausan itu terengah-engah dan lidahnya terjelir; c. (sl) live, duduk: he ~s out at his brother’s place in the mean time, dia duduk di rumah abangnya buat masa ini; d. (sl) spend a lot of time, lepak; ~ st out, a. (washing etc), /menyidai, mengampaikan/ sst; b. (flag) mengibarkan, memasang: the shopkeepers hung out the flags on Independence Day, pekedai-pekedai mengibarkan bendera pd Hari Kemerdekaan; c. (sign) menggantungkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ on to, a. hold tightly, memegang kuat-kuat; (so’s arm, rope, branch, etc) berpaut pd: she held onto the book as though she would never let it go, dia memegang buku itu kuat-kuat seolah-olah dia tdk akan melepaskannya; he hung on to the rope in desperation, dia berpaut pd tali itu dlm keadaan terdesak; b. keep, retain, tdk melepaskan: I am ~ing on to those shares although the value has gone down, saya tdk akan melepaskan saham-saham itu walaupun nilainya telah turun; c. find support in, tempat bergantung: I have nothing to ~ on to since my family deserted me, saya tdk ada tempat bergantung semenjak keluarga saya meninggalkan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ on, a. continue holding or doing st, bertahan: you must ~ on till we find a longer rope, kamu mesti bertahan sehingga kami mendapat tali yg lebih panjang; the villagers hung on till help came, penduduk-penduduk kampung itu bertahan sehingga bantuan tiba; b. (colloq) wait a while, tunggu sekejap; ~ on st, bergantung kpd sst: our fate ~s on today’s voting, nasib kita bergantung kpd pengundian hari ini; ~ on /so’s word, lips/, mendengar setiap kata sso dgn penuh perhatian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ down, bend downward, trail, a. (gen) terjuntai-juntai: the creepers hung down from the balcony, tumbuhan jalar itu terjuntai-juntai dr langkan itu; b. (of hair) mengurai, terurai: her hair hung down to her waist, rambutnya mengurai hingga ke pinggang; c. (of branch due to the weight of its fruits) meluyut: the branches hung down with the weight of the oranges, dahan-dahan meluyut krn lebatnya buah-buah oren itu; ~ down o’s head, /menekurkan, menundukkan/ kepala, tunduk: the boy hung down his head in shame, budak lelaki itu menekurkan kepalanya krn malu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ by, tergantung-gantung pd: he was discovered along the cliff ~ing by a thick rope, dia dijumpai di tepi tebing tergantung-gantung pd tali yg tebal; ~ by a /hair, (single) thread/, seolah-olah bergantung pd sehelai rambut: his life hung by a hair, nyawanya seolah-olah bergantung pd sehelai rambut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |