askew | adj 1. twisted to one side, herot: his nose is ~, hidungnya herot; 2. at an oblique angle, senget, miring; (of tall, narrow sturucture) condong, miring; (of tree) condong: a pergola that is ~, punjung yg senget; an ~ lamp post, tiang lampu yg condong; since the storm a number of the trees are ~, sejak berlakunya ribut itu beberapa batang pohon telah menjadi condong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
askew | adv 1. in a crooked line, herot: the seam of her skirt runs ~, kelim skirtnya dijahit herot; 2. in a crooked position, senget: the swing door hung ~, pintu ayun tergantung senget. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distorted | adj 1. caused to appear unnatural, herot-benyot; (of sound) terganggu: a ~ image, imej yg herot-benyot; 2. misrepresented, (telah) /diputarbalikkan, diputarbelitkan/: a ~ account, kisah yg telah diputarbalikkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awry | adj 1. crooked, herot(-berot): his shoe-laces were untied and his tie was all ~, tali kasutnya tdk berikat dan tali lehernya herot-berot; 2. wrong, tdk keruan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distort | vt 1. cause to appear unnatural, (act.) mengherotbenyotkan; (sound) mengganggu; (pass.) herot-benyot; (sound) terganggu: her face was ~ed by pain, mukanya herot-benyot krn sakit; 2. misrepresent, memutarbalikkan, memutarbelitkan: he ~ed the facts to suit his own interests, dia memutarbalikkan fakta itu utk kepentingannya sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awry | adv 1. crookedly, herot; 2. amiss, tdk keruan; go ~, menjadi tdk keruan: all our plans have gone ~, semua rancangan kita sudah menjadi tdk keruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crooked | adj 1. having crooks or curves, bengkok; (of street, river, etc) bengkang-bengkok: a ~ stick, kayu bengkok; a ~ nose, hidung bengkok; a ~ street, jalan bengkang-bengkok; 2. set at an angle, askew, herot: your tie is ~, tali leher kamu herot; 3. dishonest, tdk jujur: a ~ dealer, peniaga yg tdk jujur; ~ means, cara yg tdk jujur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crookedness | n 1. quality of having crooks and curves, bengkok; (of street, river, etc) bengkang-bengkok, berliku-liku; 2. quality of being set at an angle, askew, herot; 3. quality of being dishonest, ketidakjujuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distortion | n 1. act of causing to appear unnatural, mengherot-benyotkan; 2. act of misrepresenting, memutarbalikkan, memutarbelitkan: his ~ of the truth resulted in the scandal, dia memutarbalikkan kebenaran dan ini mengakibatkan berlakunya skandal itu; 3. state, instance of appearing unnatural, herot-benyot; (of sound) gangguan; 4. state, instance of being misrepresented, putar belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irregularity | n 1. state, quality of being uneven, a. (in size, shape) tdk /sama, sekata/; (tech) ketaksekataan; b. (of hemline ), (keadaan) /tinggi rendah, tdk sama/; c. (of coastline), (keadaan) bengkang-bengkok; d. (of facial features, face), (keadaan) /herot, tdk simetri/; e. (of surface), (keadaan) tdk rata, tdk ratanya; f. (of teeth), (keadaan) tdk teratur, tdk teraturnya; 2. state, quality of being uneven in duration, continuity, order, tdk tetap: the~ of his heartbeat, degupan jantungnya yg tdk tetap; 3. state, quality of being, a. (not in accordance with the law) luar aturan; b. (not in accordance with accepted habits, norms, etc) menyimpang drpd kebiasaan; 4. st that is not in accordance with the rules, accepted habits, norms, etc, perkara yg tdk kena: there are several irregularities in the document, terdapat beberapa perkara yg tdk kena dlm dokumen itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |