amusement | n 1. st that amuses, hiburan: a big city offering many ~s, sebuah kota besar yg menawarkan berbagai-bagai hiburan; one of his favourite ~s, salah satu hiburan yg digemarinya; 2. pleasant diversion, entertainment, menghiburkan (hati): she paints for her own ~, dia melukis utk menghiburkan hatinya sendiri; 3. state of being amused, (rasa) geli hati: she couldn’t hide her ~ when I fell into the pool, dia tdk dapat menyembunyikan rasa geli hatinya apabila saya terjatuh ke dlm kolam itu; 4. act of amusing, penghiburan, menghiburkan (hati): she had many plans for the ~ of the children during the holidays, rancangannya banyak utk menghiburkan anak-anaknya semasa cuti sekolah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entertainment | n 1. act of entertaining, peraian, meraikan: an allowance for the ~ of business clients, elaun utk meraikan klien perniagaan; 2. diversion, amusement, hiburan: theatres, fun-fairs and other places of public ~, panggung-panggung, pesta-pesta ria dan tempat-tempat hiburan awam yg lain; the ~ business, bidang hiburan; much to the ~ of so., sangat menggelikan hati sso: the dog ran onto the field again, much to the ~ of the crowd, anjing itu sekali lagi berlari masuk ke padang, dan ini sangat menggelikan hati para penonton; 3. st that entertains, hiburan: you’ll find this week’s ~s on page 10, kamu akan mendapati hiburan minggu ini pd halaman 10; the film is excellent ~, filem itu merupakan hiburan yg sangat baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distraction | n 1. act of drawing away, mengalih perhatian; 2. amusement, diversion, hiburan: there are too many ~s in the city, terlalu banyak hiburan di bandar raya; 3. interruption, gangguan: babies crying, kettles whistling, doors banging – these are some of the ~s in the home, bunyi bayi menangis, cerek bersiul, pintu berdentam – inilah antara beberapa gangguan yg terdapat di rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amusement park | n taman hiburan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amusement arcade | n arked hiburan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in-flight | adj dlm penerbangan: ~ entertainment, hiburan dlm penerbangan; ~ shopping, membeli-belah dlm penerbangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot spot | n 1. (engin) bintik panas; 2. area of political unrest, kawasan pergolakan; 3. centre of night- life, pusat hiburan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diversion | n 1. deflection, pengubahan /haluan, arah/, melencongkan: ~ of traffic, melencongkan lalu lintas; 2. alternative route, lencongan; 3. st that distracts attention, mengalihkan perhatian: the tears were just a ~ to make us forget the real issue, air matanya hanyalah utk mengalihkan perhatian kita supaya lupa akan isu yg sebenar; create a ~, mengalihkan perhatian; 4. pastime, hiburan: games and ~s, permainan dan hiburan; 5. (of money) pemindahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glitter | n 1. sparkling light, kegemerlapan, cahaya [sst] yg (ber)gemerlapan; (of metal) kilauan: the ~ of diamonds, cahaya berlian yg bergemerlapan; the ~ of the gold coins, kilauan syiling-syiling emas; 2. excitement, splendour, gilang-gemilang: the ~ of the opening night, malam pembukaan yg gilang-gemilang; 3. superficial attractiveness, kegemerlapan: don’t be taken in by the ~ of show business, jangan terpedaya dgn kegemerlapan dunia hiburan; 4. tiny spangles, perada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drive | 5. (ball) memukul: he drove the ball with a mighty swing, dia memukul bola itu dgn ayunan yg kuat; 6. force, menyebabkan: the wind drove the rain into my eyes, angin menyebabkan air hujan masuk ke mata saya; 7. operate, menggerakkan, menjalankan: machinery ~n by electricity, jentera yg digerakkan oleh kuasa elektrik; 8. compel, urge, memaksa: the constant quarrels drove him to seek relaxation elsewhere, perkelahian yg kerap itu memaksanya mencari hiburan di tempat lain; 9. overwork, memaksa [sso] bekerja keras: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |