Maklumat Kata

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Kata Terbitan : hilir-mudik, sehilir semudik,
Rujuk :muara;,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

down1prep 1. to lower place on a hill etc, menuruni: to run ~ the steep slope, berlari menuruni cerun yg curam itu; 2. along, a. (river, stream, etc in the direction of the sea) ke hilir: we rowed ~ the river, kami mendayung ke hilir sungai itu; b. (road, street, etc) di: as we were walking ~ the narrow lane..., semasa kami berjalan di lorong sempit itu...; what’s the weather like ~ your way?, bagaimana cuaca di tempat kamu?; c. (pipe, tube, etc) melalui, di: water gushing ~ the conduit, air yg mengalir deras melalui pembuluh; d. (surface of) di: blood trickled ~ his cheek, darah meleleh di pipinya; 3. at a point along, a. (river, stream, etc) di hilir: they live ~ the river, mereka tinggal di hilir sungai; b. (road, street etc) di depan sedikit: his room is ~ the corridor, biliknya di depan sedikit koridor ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forkvi 1. divide into branches, bercabang: the river ~s below the town, sungai itu bercabang di hilir bandar; 2. turn at a fork, belok: ~ right at the bottom of the hill, belok ke kanan di kaki bukit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
driftvt 1. carry along by current of water, menghanyutkan: the logs were ~ed downstream, kayu-kayu balak itu dihanyutkan ke hilir; 2. cause (snow, sand, etc) to pile up, melonggokkan, menimbunkan: the wind ~ed the leaves up against the fence, angin melonggokkan daun-daun itu di tepi pagar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
belowprep 1. at a position, level lower than, di bawah; (anything reckoned in numbers) kurang drpd, di bawah: ~ the table, di bawah meja; ~ the timber-line, di bawah batasan pokok; ~ freezing point, di bawah takat beku; those ~ 40, mereka di bawah umur 40 tahun; he weighs ~ 60 kilograms, berat badannya kurang drpd 60 kilogram; 2. to a position, level lower than, ke bawah; (anything reckoned in numbers) /kurang, lebih rendah/ drpd: the sun sank ~ the horizon, matahari terbenam ke bawah ufuk; the ship disappeared ~ the waves, kapal itu menghilang ke bawah gelombang; prices will not fall ~ their present level, harga tdk akan turun kurang drpd paras sekarang; 3. lower in rank, station, etc, lebih rendah drpd: a captain ranks ~ a major, pangkat kapten lebih rendah drpd pangkat major; 4. further south than, di sebelah selatan; 5. downstream from, di sebelah hilir: fishing boats moored a mile ~ the town, perahu-perahu nelayan yg ditambat sebatu di sebelah hilir pekan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floatvt 1. cause to rest on water or in air, mengapungkan: he was ~ing toy boats in the pond, dia mengapungkan perahu mainan di kolam itu; 2. cause to move on water, menghanyutkan: the company ~s all its logs downstream to the log pond, syarikat itu menghanyutkan kesemua kayu balaknya ke hilir sungai sampai ke kolam balak; 3. suggest, mengemukakan, mengajukan, menganjurkan: the dea was first ~ed before the Suez Crisis, gagasan itu pertama kali diajukan sebelum Krisis Suez;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
belowadv 1. at a lower place, position, di bawah: from the hilltop we could see the valley ~, dr puncak bukit, kami dapat melihat lembah di bawah; he fell to the rocks ~, dia jatuh ke batu-batu di bawah; from ~, dr bawah; 2. to a lower place, position, ke bawah: the captain has gone ~, kapten telah turun ke bawah; 3. on a lower floor, di bawah, di tingkat bawah: the tenants ~, penyewa di tingkat bawah; 4. to a lower floor, ke bawah, ke tingkat bawah: steps that lead ~, tangga yg menuju ke bawah; 5. (of floor, ground, etc) di bawah, [usu not translated]: the bottle rolled off the table and fell on the floor ~, botol itu tergolek dr atas meja dan jatuh ke lantai; 6. downstream, di (sebelah) hilir; 7. lower on the page or on following page, di bawah: please sign ~, sila turunkan tandatangan di bawah; 8. in lower rank, station, lebih rendah: the court ~, mahkamah yg lebih rendah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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