height | n 1. measurement from bottom to top, tinggi(nya): the ~ of the hill is 700 metres, tinggi bukit itu ialah 700 meter; she is 1.5 metres in ~, tinggi perempuan itu ialah 1.5 meter; she is of medium ~, dia sederhana tingginya; to the ~ of, setinggi: after a heavy rainfall, the water in the drain rose to the ~ of several inches, selepas hujan lebat, air dlm parit itu naik setinggi beberapa inci; 2. being tall, tinggi: she’d be able to reach the top of the shelf because of her ~, dia boleh mencapai bahagian atas rak krn dia tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
begin | to ~ with, a. at first, mula-mula, pd mulanya: everything went well to ~ with and then it started to rain, pd mulanya semuanya berjalan lancar, tiba-tiba hujan pun turun; b. in the first place, pertama-tama(nya): to ~ with, he lacks experience, pertama-tamanya, dia kurang pengalaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idea | cannot bear the ~ of st, tdk tahan memikirkan sst; /get, have/ ~s, (colloq) be ambitious, bercita-cita /besar, tinggi/; give so. an ~, tell so. approximately, membayangkan pd sso: can you give me an ~ of when you will be finished? bolehkah kamu membayangkan pd saya bila kamu akan selesai membuatnya; have an ~, have an inkling, rasa-rasa(nya): I have an ~ it’s going to rain, rasa-rasanya hari hendak hujan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |