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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata hujung;


Hujung sirih berkedut-kedut,
     Susun sampai di kedai Cina;
Kasih tuan membujuk-bujuk,
     Kasih tidak kekal lama.

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Mengadu hujung jarum (= penjahit).

Bermaksud :

Melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan yang sangat sukar.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

endmostadj paling hujung, hujung sekali, terhujung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
headfrom ~ to /foot, toe/, dr hujung rambut sampai ke hujung kaki: he was drenched from ~ to foot, dia basah kuyup dr hujung rambut sampai ke hujung kaki; get it into o’s ~ (that), mengerti, memahami: can’t you get it into your ~ that he is not coming back?, tidakkah kamu mengerti bahawa dia tdk akan balik semula?; /give so., let so. have/ his ~, membiarkan sso berbuat sesuka hati; go to so’s ~, make so. conceited, menyebabkan sso lupa diri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endb. with end facing one, dgn hujungnya tertegak: the iron rod fell to the ground ~ on, batang besi itu jatuh dgn hujungnya tertegak ke tanah; ~ to ~, hujung dgn hujung: the boxes were arranged ~ to ~, kotak-kotak itu disusun hujung dgn hujung; at an ~, a. over, berakhir: the reign of terror was at an ~, pemerintahan ganas itu telah berakhir; b. exhausted, kehabisan, habis: he gambled until his money was at an ~, dia berjudi sehingga wangnya habis; at o’s wits’ ~, tenggelam punca: he was at his wit’s ~ on how to deal with the problem, dia tenggelam punca dlm hal mengendalikan masalah itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endways, endwiseadv 1. with the end forward, dgn hujung ke hadapan: they carried the table out ~, mereka mengangkat meja itu keluar dgn hujungnya ke hadapan; 2. end to end, hujung dgn hujung: he put the two dominoes together ~, dia mencantumkan dua keping domino itu hujung dgn hujung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
end4. share, part, portion, [various translations]: his ~ of the bargain, bahagiannya dlm tawar-menawar itu; no problem at my ~, tdk ada masalah bagi diri saya; 5. (often in pl) remnant, fragment, a. (of cigarette, candle) puntung; b. (of cloth, rope) hujung-hujung: they are selling ~s of material cheaply, mereka menjual hujung-hujung kain dgn murah; 6. a ceasing to exist, a. death, [various translations]: his ~ was peaceful, dia mati dgn tenang; he is nearing his ~, dia hampir mati; she came to an untimely ~, dia mati muda; an opponent of slavery till his very ~, penentang perhambaan sehingga ke akhir hayat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fingertipn hujung jari; have (st) at o’s ~s, a. (information) sst ada di hujung jari sso: he’s got the whole history of London at his ~s, seluruh sejarah London ada di hujung jarinya; b. (commodity) sso ada sst tersedia pd setiap waktu: he always has money at his ~s, dia selalu ada wang yg tersedia pd setiap waktu; to /the, o’s /~s, sejati-jatinya: her father was a professional to his ~s, bapanya seorang yg profesional sejati-jatinya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endn 1. extremity of road, line, etc, farthest point, hujung: he sat at the ~ of the table, dia duduk di hujung meja itu; you hold the other ~ of the string, kamu pegang hujung tali yg satu lagi itu; they live in the ~ house, mereka tinggal di rumah hujung; 2. extreme extent, limit, degree, takat: I am at the ~ of my patience, saya telah sampai ke takat kesabaran saya; 3. conclusion, completion, tamat, akhir; (of day, year) akhir: the ~ of the war, akhir peperangan; the ~ of a story, akhir cerita; they’re getting married at the ~ of the year, mereka akan berkahwin pd akhir tahun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
end~ in, a. have st at its end, di hujung: the rope ~ed in a knot, tali itu bersimpul di hujung; b. result in, berakhir dgn: the meeting ~ed in disorder, mesyuarat itu berakhir dgn kekacauan: their marriage ~ed in divorce, perkahwinan mereka berakhir dgn perceraian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endb. destruction, kemusnahan, musnah: a tanker that met its ~ in a hurricane, kapal yg musnah dlm badai; the city came to a violent ~, kota itu musnah teruk; 7. purpose, aim, matlamat, tujuan: he was acting solely for his own ~s, dia bertindak semata-mata utk tujuannya sendiri; the legislation was enacted to that ~, undang-undang tersebut diperbuat utk mencapai tujuan itu; ~ of the road, (fig.) sampai ke jalan buntu; ~ on, a. with ends meeting, (hujung) bertemu hujung: the two ships collided ~ on, kedua-dua kapal itu berlanggar hujung bertemu hujung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bottom4. buttocks, punggung, buntut; 5. seat of chair, tempat duduk; 6. farthest, most remote part, (sebelah) hujung: they planted vegetables at the ~ of the garden, mereka menanam sayur-sayuran di sebelah hujung kebun itu; 7. least honourable position in class, tempat yg corot; 8. source, punca: to get to the ~ of the problem, mencari sehingga ke punca masalah itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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