corporate image | n imej korporat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
latent image | n (photog) imej pendam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after-image | n also aftersensation, imej tinggal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invert | adj songsang: ~ configuration, konfigurasi songsang; ~ image, imej songsang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
archetypal, archetypical | adj arketip: ~ beliefs and images, kepercayaan dan imej arketip. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distorted | adj 1. caused to appear unnatural, herot-benyot; (of sound) terganggu: a ~ image, imej yg herot-benyot; 2. misrepresented, (telah) /diputarbalikkan, diputarbelitkan/: a ~ account, kisah yg telah diputarbalikkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
image | n 1. likeness of person, thing, esp sculptured, patung; (on coin) replika: beautifully carved ~s of Buddha, patung Buddha yg diukir dgn cantiknya; 2. reflection, optical counterpart of object, a. (produced by mirror etc) bayang-bayang; (tech) imej; b. (produced by lens) imej; (on cinema, television screen, etc) gambar, imej: the ~ on the screen is blurred, gambar di layar perak itu kabur; 3. close likeness, copy, salin tak tumpah; be the (very, spitting, living) ~ of so., salin tak tumpah spt sso: she’s the spitting ~ of her grandmother, dia salin tak tumpah spt neneknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
image | 4. mental picture, bayangan: she tried to dismiss his ~ from her mind, dia mencuba melenyapkan bayangan lelaki itu dr fikirannya; 5. general concept or opinion of person, political party, organization, etc, imej: the president hired public relations men to improve his ~, presiden itu menggaji pegawai perhubungan awam utk membaiki imejnya; 6. personification, contoh: he is the ~ of health, dialah contoh orang yg sihat; 7. metaphor, simile, imej. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compatible | adj 1. able to live or work together harmoniously, secocok, serasi, bersesuaian, /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: her parents were not really ~, ibu bapanya sebenarnya tdk secocok; 2. be able to exist, occur in harmony, bersesuaian, sesuai; (tech) serasi: the image that she has to present is not ~ with her personality, imej yg terpaksa ditampilkannya tdk sesuai dgn keperibadiannya; ~ blood groups, kumpulan darah yg serasi; the printer is not ~ with our computer, pencetak itu tdk serasi dgn komputer kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grievous | adj 1. severe, parah, teruk; (of illness, pain, etc) teruk: ~ bodily harm, cedera parah; ~ wound, luka teruk; he suffered ~ injuries during the war, dia mengalami cedera parah semasa perang; ~ pain, sakit teruk; 2. serious, besar: a ~ error that cost many lives, kesilapan besar yg telah mengorbankan nyawa yg banyak; a scandal that might do ~ damage to the company’s image, skandal yg mungkin membawa kerosakan yg besar kpd imej syarikat itu; 3. full of grief, penuh hiba: a ~ cry, tangisan penuh hiba; 4. causing grief or sorrow, menyedihkan, mendukacitakan, memilukan, menghibakan: his death was a ~ loss to the nation, kematiannya merupakan kehilangan yg memilukan seluruh negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |