Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n person who is not affiliated to any political party, calon bebas. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : be ~ of (so.) be not dependent on (so.), tdk bergantung kpd (sso): she hoped that one day she would be ~ of her family, dia berharap bahawa satu hari nanti dia tdk akan bergantung pd keluarganya lagi; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 7. not depending on others, esp financially, /berdikari, tdk bergantung kpd sso/ (dr segi kewangan): she yearns to earn her own money and be ~, dia ingin bekerja dan tdk bergantung kpd sesiapa dr segi kewangan; to be financially ~, tdk bergantung kpd orang lain dr segi kewangan; of ~ means, berdikari, berpendapatan sendiri: a woman of ~ means, wanita yg berdikari; 8. that does not receive money from the government, swasta: an ~ radio station, stesen radio swasta; ~ schools, sekolah-sekolah swasta; 9. (math) tak bersandar: ~ variable, pemboleh ubah tak bersandar; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 4. not influenced by or relying on st else, tersendiri: an ~ discovery, penemuan yg tersendiri; an ~ conclusion, kesimpulan yg tersendiri; 5. acting, operating, existing, free of the influence of st else, bebas: an ~ trade union, kesatuan sekerja yg bebas; ~ candidate, calon bebas; 6. self-reliant, berdikari: his youngest daughter is very ~ , anak bongsunya sangat berdikari; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : adj 1. self-governing, merdeka: Malaya became ~ in 1957, Malaya merdeka pd tahun 1957; 2. not associated (with each other) berasingan: the two ~ studies came to almost the same conclusion, kedua-dua kajian yg berasingan itu mencapai kesimpulan yg hampir sama; ~ research projects, projek penyelidikan yg berasingan; 3. done, conducted or given fairly and without bias, bebas: an ~ investigation, siasatan bebas; to get an ~ opinion, mendapatkan buah fikiran yg bebas; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata independent

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

independentn person who is not affiliated to any political party, calon bebas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independentbe ~ of (so.) be not dependent on (so.), tdk bergantung kpd (sso): she hoped that one day she would be ~ of her family, dia berharap bahawa satu hari nanti dia tdk akan bergantung pd keluarganya lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independent7. not depending on others, esp financially, /berdikari, tdk bergantung kpd sso/ (dr segi kewangan): she yearns to earn her own money and be ~, dia ingin bekerja dan tdk bergantung kpd sesiapa dr segi kewangan; to be financially ~, tdk bergantung kpd orang lain dr segi kewangan; of ~ means, berdikari, berpendapatan sendiri: a woman of ~ means, wanita yg berdikari; 8. that does not receive money from the government, swasta: an ~ radio station, stesen radio swasta; ~ schools, sekolah-sekolah swasta; 9. (math) tak bersandar: ~ variable, pemboleh ubah tak bersandar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independent4. not influenced by or relying on st else, tersendiri: an ~ discovery, penemuan yg tersendiri; an ~ conclusion, kesimpulan yg tersendiri; 5. acting, operating, existing, free of the influence of st else, bebas: an ~ trade union, kesatuan sekerja yg bebas; ~ candidate, calon bebas; 6. self-reliant, berdikari: his youngest daughter is very ~ , anak bongsunya sangat berdikari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independentadj 1. self-governing, merdeka: Malaya became ~ in 1957, Malaya merdeka pd tahun 1957; 2. not associated (with each other) berasingan: the two ~ studies came to almost the same conclusion, kedua-dua kajian yg berasingan itu mencapai kesimpulan yg hampir sama; ~ research projects, projek penyelidikan yg berasingan; 3. done, conducted or given fairly and without bias, bebas: an ~ investigation, siasatan bebas; to get an ~ opinion, mendapatkan buah fikiran yg bebas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commonwealthn independent state, negara.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
findb. become independent, (dapat) berdikari: the organization helps ex-convicts to ~ their feet again, organisasi itu membantu bekas-bekas banduan utk berdikari semula; c. become confident in new surroundings, (mula) bertapak: I’ve only been here for a few weeks so I’m still ~ing my feet, saya di sini baru beberapa minggu, jadi saya masih belum bertapak lagi; ~ it in /os, o’s heart/, (to do st), (force os to do st) memujuk hati, memaksa diri; (bear to do st) tergamak, sampai hati: we ought to be able to ~ it in ourselves to forgive our enemies, kita sepatutnya dapat memujuk hati utk memaafi musuh kita; he had always worked very well and McGregor could not ~ it in his heart to dismiss him, dia sentiasa bekerja dgn baik dan McGregor tdk sampai hati utk memecatnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
individualistn 1. one who is independent in thought, action, individualis; 2. believer in, supporter of individualism, penganut individualisme.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independencen 1. state of being independent, kebebasan; (of state, country, etc) kemerdekaan: he felt he should be given more ~, dia berasa dia patut diberi lebih kebebasan; intellectual ~, kebebasan intelektual; the colony was granted ~ six years later, tanah jajahan itu diberi kemerdekaan enam tahun kemudian; 2. time when a country obtains political independence, kemerdekaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
developvt 1. cause to become larger, fuller, maturer, more advanced, etc, membina: exercises for ~ing muscles, senaman utk membina otot; character is ~ed at school, watak dibina di sekolah; to ~ a self-respecting, independent and progressive generation, membina generasi yg menghormati diri sendiri, dapat berdikari dan maju; 2. cause (bacteria, cell, plant, etc) to grow, [various translations]: the zygote is gradually ~d into the adult plant, zigot itu perlahan-lahan berkembang menjadi tumbuhan dewasa; the cutting will ~ roots if dipped in hormone powder, keratan itu akan mengeluarkan akar jika dicelup dlm serbuk hormon;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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