individual | adj 1. of, rel to, single person, individu: ~ rights, hak-hak individu; ~ liberty, kebebasan individu; ~ possessions, milik individu; 2. characteristic of single person, distinctive, tersendiri: ~ traits, ciri tersendiri; 3. considered separately from others, setiap: each ~ part is wrapped in foil, setiap bahagian dibungkus dlm kerajang; you will have to examine each ~ animal, tuan mestilah memeriksa setiap binatang; 4. separate, berasingan: the food was packed in ~ boxes, makanan itu dimasukkan ke dlm kotak-kotak yg berasingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
individual | n 1. a. single human being, individu, orang perseorangan; (used with “each” or “every”) individu, orang: he is always talking about the rights of the ~, dia selalu memperkatakan hak orang perseorangan; the responsibility of each and every ~, tanggungjawab setiap orang; private ~, individu, orang perseorangan: she was speaking as a private ~, not as a member of the society, dia bercakap sbg individu, bukan sbg ahli persatuan itu; b. so. whose ideas, aspirations, needs, etc are different from those of other people, individu: his aim was to encourage each child to be an ~, hasratnya adalah utk menggalakkan setiap kanak-kanak itu menjadi individu; 2. (colloq) person, orang: he’s a fussy ~, dia cerewet benar orangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inviolable | adj (fml) tdk boleh dicabul: the ~ rights of the individual, hak individu yg tdk boleh dicabul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assuming | adj angkuh: it would be altogether too ~ for a single individual to decide on such an important matter, sangatlah angkuh bagi seorang individu utk memutuskan perkara yg begitu penting; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrusion | n 1. act of, a. (entering unasked or forcing os, st upon so., st) gangguan; (into os’s private affairs) campur tangan: I regard this regulation as an unwarrantable ~ on the rights of the individual, saya menganggap peraturan ini sbg gangguan yg tdk dapat dipertahankan thdp hak individu; her well-meaning gesture was interpreted as an ~ into their private affairs, perbuatannya bermaksud baik tetapi ditafsirkan sbg campur tangan dlm urusan peribadi mereka; b. (trespassing) pencerobohan: this ~ into our territory must be stopped, pencerobohan ke kawasan kita ini mesti dihentikan; 2. st that intrudes, gangguan: there were so many ~s on his time that it was impossible for him to finish his work, terlalu banyak gangguan sehingga dia tdk dapat menyelesaikan kerjanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encroach | vi intrude gradually, stealthily, a. (on another’s territory) masuk ke, makan: his fence ~es on my land, pagarnya masuk ke tanah saya;the sea is ~ing upon the land, laut itu semakin masuk ke daratan; b. (on another’s rights, privileges) mencerobohi: this law ~es on individual rights, undang-undang ini mencerobohi hak-hak individu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |