bat1 | off o’s own ~, (colloq) a. on o’s own initiative, atas /daya usaha, inisiatif/ sendiri, dgn /daya usaha, inisiatif/ sendiri; b. without approval from anyone, /pandai-pandai sendiri, memandai-mandai/ (sahaja): since you did it off your own ~ I will not pay for the extra cost, krn kamu melakukannya pandai-pandai sendiri sahaja, saya tdk akan membayar kos tambahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
initiative | n 1. introductory or important step, action, daya usaha, inisiatif; (foll attrib n) langkah utama + approp prep: she took the ~ in ensuring that the place was spick and span before the governor’s visit, dia mengambil inisiatif dlm memastikan bahawa tempat itu bersih dan rapi sebelum lawatan gabenor; he did it on his own ~, dia melakukannya atas daya usahanya sendiri; peace ~s in the Gulf area, langkah utama ke arah perdamaian di kawasan Teluk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
initiator | n orang yg mengambil /inisiatif, langkah utama/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full marks | n (lit. & fig. ) markah penuh: I never once got ~ for maths, tdk pernah sekali pun saya mendapat markah penuh dlm matematik; he was given ~ for initiative, dia diberi markah penuh utk inisiatif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
initiative | 2. power, right to begin st, influence events etc, kuasa bertindak: our opponents have the ~ now, and are therefore in a strong position, pihak lawan saya sekarang mempunyai kuasa bertindak, dan oleh itu kedudukan mereka kuat; 3. enterprise, daya usaha, inisiatif: the job needs a man of ~, jawatan itu memerlukan orang yg mempunyai daya usaha; he should show more ~ and stop depending too much on others, dia seharusnya menunjukkan daya usaha yg lebih dan tdk terlalu bergantung pd orang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 22. with regard to, [various translations]: it is all right ~ theory, but it won’t work ~ practice, dr segi teori perkara itu munasabah, tetapi dr segi praktik tidak; the houses are ~ old-fashioned design, reka bentuk rumah itu lama; the table is five feet ~ length, panjang meja itu lima kaki; lacking ~ initiative, kurang daya inisiatif; Brunei Darussalam, a sultanate rich ~ oil, Brunei Darussalam, sebuah negara bersultan yg kaya dgn minyak; 23. a. (indic the nature of feeling directed towards so.) pada: I have faith ~ him, saya yakin padanya; b. (indic nature of feeling directed towards st) terhadap: he shows no interest ~ what goes on around him, dia tdk menunjukkan sebarang minat terhadap apa-apa yg berlaku di kelilingnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | 4. be true as a logical consequence, kesimpulan: everybody thinks that he murdered the old lady but I don’t see how that ~s from the statements that the witnesses have made, semua orang fikir bahawa dia yg membunuh wanita tua itu, tetapi saya tdk nampak bagaimana kesimpulan ini boleh dibuat berdasarkan keterangan para saksi; it ~s that, bererti, bermakna: she’s not in her room but it doesn’t neccessarily ~ that she hasn’t come to work, dia tdk ada di biliknya, tetapi itu tdk semestinya bererti dia belum masuk kerja; 5. imitate, mengikut: the ABC Bank took the initiative and the other banks ~ed, Bank ABC mengambil inisiatif dan yg lainnya mengikut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |