insurance | n 1. protection against loss etc, insurans: ~ of the premises costs him $700 a year, dia membayar $700 setahun sbg insurans tempat itu; car ~, insurans kereta; ~ premium, premium insurans; he took out an ~ against accident, dia mengambil insurans kemalangan; 2. sum paid for loss, (wang) insurans: who got his ~ when he died?, siapakah yg mendapat wang insuransnya setelah dia meninggal dunia?; the company refused to pay any ~, syarikat itu enggan membayar sebarang insurans; 3. insurance policy, polisi insurans; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | 6. insure, (act.) melindungi; (pass.) dilindungi (insurans): my policy ~s me against injury, polisi insurans saya melindungi saya jika berlaku kecederaan; are you ~ed against fire?, adakah kamu dilindungi insurans jika berlaku kebakaran?; 7. (journ) membuat liputan ttg: several reporters were assigned to ~ the elections in Sabah, beberapa orang pemberita telah ditugasi utk membuat liputan ttg pilihan raya di Sabah; 8. encompass, merangkumi, meliputi, mencakupi; (in area) meliputi kawasan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insurer | n syarikat insurans. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
group insurance | n insurans kumpulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fire insurance | n insurans kebakaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insured | n; the ~, pengambil insurans. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
all-in | adj 1. inclusive of all, keseluruhan: an ~ health insurance, insurans kesihatan keseluruhan; the ~ cost, kos keseluruhan; 2. (wrestling) without restriction, gaya bebas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blanket | adj menyeluruh: a ~ agreement, perjanjian yg menyeluruh; ~ instructions, arahan-arahan yg menyeluruh; a ~ insurance policy, polisi insurans yg menyeluruh; n 1. bed-covering, selimut, gebar; 2. covering layer, liputan, litupan: a ~ of snow, liputan salji; a ~ of leaves, liputan daun-daunan; 3. st that covers or encloses, yg /menyelubungi, mengelubungi/ sst: a ~ of gloom, kemuraman yg menyelubungi suasana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agent | n 1. one that acts for another, ejen, wakil: a real estate ~, ejen harta tanah; an insurance ~, ejen insurans; sole ~, wakil tunggal; /an intelligence, a secret/ ~, ejen, perisik, pengintip; 2. one that acts, has power to act, ejen; 3. spy, pengintip, ejen: North Korean ~s, pengintip-pengintip Korea Utara; 4. substance producing effect or reaction, bahan, agen: bleaching ~, bahan peluntur; catalytic ~, bahan mangkin; oxidizing ~, agen pengoksidaan; 5. natural force etc producing effect, agen: rain and frost are weathering ~s, hujan dan fros adalah agen luluhawa; ~s of pollination, agen pendebungaan; 6. active cause, punca: bad investment was the ~ of his ruin, pelaburan yg merugikan menjadi punca kehancurannya; the man who was the ~ of her downfall, lelaki yg menjadi punca keruntuhannya; 7. instrument, alat: books are the ~s of knowledge, buku merupakan alat ilmu pengetahuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contract | ~ out (of), (fml) not enter into, tdk menyertai: he applied to the Board to ~ out of the old-age insurance plan, dia memohon kpd pihak Lembaga utk menyertai rancangan insurans masa tua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |