intellect | n 1. mental power, daya fikir, intelek: a man of high ~, orang yg tinggi daya fikirnya; 2. quality of being brilliant, very clever, kebijakan, bijak; 3. person of great reasoning power, intelektual, intelek : the great ~s of our time, tokoh-tokoh intelektual zaman ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intellectual | n cendekiawan, intelek, intelektual. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degeneracy | n kemerosotan: intellectual and moral ~, kemerosotan intelek dan moral. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decay | n 1. decline, kemerosotan: the ~ of intellectual power, kemerosotan intelek; moral ~, kemerosotan akhlak; 2. dilapidation, usang: the old castle was in a state of ~, istana tua itu dlm keadaan usang; 3. rotting, a. (gen) pereputan: the ~ of organic matter, pereputan bahan organik; b. (of fruit, vegetable) membusuk, menjadi busuk: a chemical that will slow down the process of ~ in fruits, bahan kimia yg boleh melambatkan proses membusuk dlm buah-buahan; c. (of tooth) kerosakan: proper dental care helps prevent tooth ~, penjagaan gigi yg sempurna dapat menghindarkan kerosakan gigi; 4. result of decaying, bahagian yg rosak: to remove the ~ from a tooth, membuang bahagian yg rosak pd gigi; fall into ~, a. decline, mengalami kemerosotan, merosot; b. become dilapidated, menjadi usang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backwater | n 1. pool of still water, air mati, air yg tdk mengalir; 2. intellectually stagnant, a. (place ), (tempat yg) sudah mati: this town is a real ~, bandar ini sesungguhnya sudah mati; b. (condition) /ketandusan, kebekuan/ intelek: an intellectual ~, ketandusan intelek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horizon | n 1. line at which sky and earth seem to meet, kaki langit, ufuk, horizon: the sun sank below the ~, matahari terbenam di ufuk; sensible ~, kaki langit nyata; 2. (fig.), [various translations]: travel will broaden a person’s ~s, pengembaraan akan meluaskan pengalaman sso; beyond the ~ of human intellect, di luar batas intelek manusia; political ~, ruang lingkup politik; 3. (geol) lapisan (tanah). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |