inexperience | n /tdk, kurang/ berpengalaman: the error was due to the ~ of the clerk, kesilapan itu disebabkan oleh kerani itu kurang berpengalaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kink | vt menyebabkan /berpintal, memunding/: the sudden pressure ~ed the hose-pipe, tekanan yg tiba-tiba itu menyebabkan hos air itu berpunding. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inure | vi /melanggar, menyerang/ /negeri, wilayah, kota as approp /: the soldiers were given orders to ~, askar-askar itu diperintah melanggar negeri itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interval | after a long ~, lama selepas itu: after a long ~, he finally replied my letter, lama selepas itu, barulah dia menjawab surat saya; at ~s, a. occasionally, sekali-sekali: the machine would stop making its whirring sound at ~s, sekali-sekali jentera itu berhenti mengeluarkan bunyi yg bergetar; b. happening regularly after particular periods of time, pd waktu-waktu tertentu: the bell rang at ~s, loceng berbunyi pd waktu-waktu tertentu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infatuation | n unreasonable passion or attachment, tergila-gila akan sso: it’s only ~, and it will not last, dia cuma tergila-gila akan gadis itu, dan keadaan itu tdk akan bertahan lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | carefully push the pipe ~ the hole, perlahan-lahan sumbatkan paip itu ke dalam lubang tersebut; in angry frustration he slammed the knife several times ~ the dummy, krn sangat marah dia merodokkan pisau itu beberapa kali ke dalam dami tersebut; the answers to the questions will be fed ~ a computer, jawapan soalan-soalan itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam komputer; the prosecution claimed that the money was paid ~ her bank account, pihak pendakwa mengatakan bahawa wang itu dimasukkan ke dalam akaun banknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interest | n 1. desire to want to know, learn about st, minat: she takes little ~ in the business, dia tdk menunjukkan minat thdp perniagaan itu; the boy examined the machine with great ~, budak itu membelek-belek mesin tersebut dgn penuh minat; the competition has excited world-wide ~, pertandingan itu telah membangkitkan minat seluruh dunia; he has completely lost ~ in the subject, dia sudah hilang minat dlm perkara itu; the book did not hold my ~, buku itu tdk menguasai minat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurry | in a ~, a. in a rush, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru: he had to leave the meeting in a ~, dia terpaksa meninggalkan mesyuarat itu dgn tergesa-gesa; b. anxiously eager, cepat: I am in a ~ to make money, saya hendak cepat kaya; she is in a ~ to go home, dia hendak cepat pulang; c. easily or willingly, semudah itu, secepat itu: he won’t invite me again in a ~, dia tdk akan semudah itu menjemput saya lagi; in no ~, not in a rush, tdk perlu cepat: I am in no ~ to go home, saya tdk perlu cepat pulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
itself | hurt ~, tercedera: the animal fell and hurt ~, binatang itu terjatuh dan tercedera; talk to ~, bercakap /sendiri, seorang diri/: the baby is talking to ~, bayi itu sedang bercakap seorang diri; b. (as obj of prep) approp n + nya: the cat can look after ~ for a few days, kucing itu boleh menjaga dirinya selama beberapa hari; with its tail wrapped around~, dgn ekornya melengkari badannya...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | expected?, berapa orangkah yg dijangkakan akan hadir?; it’s ~ six o’clock, sekarang tepat pukul enam; I left it ~ there, near that pillar, saya tinggalkan barang itu betul-betul di sana, dekat tiang itu; the abbatoir is ~ across the road, rumah sembelih betul-betul di seberang jalan; the picture is ~ like the one hanging in your bedroom, lukisan itu betul-betul spt lukisan yg tergantung di bilik tidurmu; 11. more or less, [not translated or dekat]: leave it ~ there, letakkan barang itu dekat situ; 12. directly, immediately, [not translated]: his room is ~ down the corridor, biliknya di hujung koridor; the town is ~ the other side of the hill, bandar itu di sebelah | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |