care | ~ of, di alamat; have a ~, (old-fashioned) hati-hatilah, jaga-jaga; /in, under/ /the ~ of so., so’s ~/, di bawah /jagaan, penjagaan/ sso; take ~, berhati-hati, berjaga-jaga, bercermat-cermat; take ~ of, a. see to, mengurus: my secretary will take ~ of the travelling arrangements, setiausaha saya akan mengurus segala hal ttg perjalanan; b. look after, menjaga: she is old enough to take ~ of herself, dia sudah cukup dewasa utk menjaga dirinya (sendiri); with ~, dgn /hati-hati, cermat, teliti/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beware | vi (usu imper) awas: trespassers ~!, penceroboh, awas!; ~ of, awas, jaga-jaga, hati-hati: ~ of the dog, awas! anjing; ~ of pickpockets!, awas! penyeluk saku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easy | adv; ~ come, ~ go, (of money) mudah dapat, mudah habis; ~ does it, (colloq) baik-baik, jaga-jaga, hati-hati; go ~, a. (on so.) jangan berkeras: go ~ on the girl; she’s had no experience, remember?, jangan berkeras thdp budak itu; ingat, dia tdk ada pengalaman; b. (on st), [various translations]: go ~ on the brandy; you’ve already had too much to drink, kurangkan minum brandi itu; kamu sudah terlalu banyak minum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alert | /keep, put/ troops etc on the ~, /memerintahkan, mengarahkan, menyuruh/ pasukan tentera dll /bersiap sedia, berawas-awas, berjaga-jaga/; on the ~, dlm keadaan /berjaga-jaga, berawas-awas, berwaspada, bersiap sedia/: they were on the ~ for any sudden attack, mereka berada dlm keadaan berjaga-jaga sekiranya berlaku serangan mengejut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awake | adj 1. no longer asleep, sudah jaga; 2. not yet asleep, masih jaga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alert | adj 1. vigilant, berjaga-jaga, berawas-awas, berwaspada: the possibility of an attack kept them all ~, kemungkinan berlakunya serangan membuat mereka sentiasa berjaga-jaga; ~ to, cepat menyedari: ~ to the problem of racial polarisation, cepat menyedari adanya masalah polarisasi ras; 2. mentally perceptive, responsive, a. (of person) peka dan pintar; b. (of mind) cerdas; 3. prompt, brisk, cepat: ~ in answering questions, cepat menjawab soalan-soalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hook | ~, line and sinker, bulat-bulat: he fell for the story, ~, line and sinker, dia menerima cerita itu bulat-bulat; by ~ or by crook, (colloq) dgn apa cara sekalipun; (get) off the ~, lepas: he likes to blame others so that he can get off the ~, dia suka menyalahkan orang lain supaya dia lepas; how he managed to get off the ~, I really don’t know, bagaimana dia boleh lepas drpd tugas itu, saya pun tdk tahu; /let, get/ so. off the ~, melepaskan sso: I’ll let you off the ~ this time but you’d better watch out in future, kali ini saya lepaskan kamu tetapi masa-masa yg akan datang, jaga-jaga; take, leave /telephone, receiver/ off the ~, membiarkan gagang telefon di tepi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard | ~ o’s tongue, jaga mulut sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-awake | adj antara tidur dgn jaga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laurel | look to o’s ~s, lebih /berhati-hati, berjaga-jaga/ agar kedudukan sso tdk tergugat: with all the new talent around him, he will have to look to his ~s, dgn munculnya bakat-bakat baru, dia harus lebih berhati-hati agar kedudukannya tdk tergugat; rest on o’s ~s, berpuas hati dgn kejayaan sso: he has been resting on his ~s and hasn’t achieved much this year, dia berpuas hati dgn kejayaannya dan tdk banyak yg dicapainya tahun ini; /win, gain/ o’s ~s, /memperoleh, mencapai/ kejayaan: he has won many ~s in his profession, dia telah memperoleh kejayaan yg banyak dlm profesionnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |