ace | <i>ni> 1. <i>cardi> , daun sat; 2. (<i>in tennisi> ) servis cemerlang; 3. <i>fighter piloti>, juruterbang pejuang handalan; 4. <i>expert, champion,i> jaguh: <i>he’s an ~ at cardsi>, dia itu jaguh bermain terup; <i>a driving ~,i> jaguh lumba kereta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grand master | <i>n one of the top chess-players in any countryi>, jaguh catur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colour | 6. (<i>musi>) corak; 7. (<i>in pli>) <i>flag of regiment or ship,i> panji-panji: <i>regimental ~s,i> panji-panji regimen; 8. (<i>in pli>) <i>ribbon, badge, etc worn as symbol,i> lencana jaguh: <i>the college ~s,i> lencana jaguh kolej; 9. <i>appearance of reality, truth,i> bayangan kebenaran: <i>the circumstances gave ~ to his arguments,i> keadaan memberikan bayangan kebenaran kpd hujah-hujahnya; <i>his appearance lends ~ to his story,i> rupanya memberikan bayangan kebenaran kpd ceritanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hill | <i>ni> 1. <i>high land lower than a mountain,i> bukit: <i>on top of the ~, i>di atas bukit; 2. <i>heap,i> timbunan, longgokan: <i>a ~ of dried grass,i> timbunan rumput kering; 3. <i>mound of earth,i> busut: <i>these ~s are made by termites,i> busut-busut ini ditimbunkan oleh anai-anai; over the ~, (<i>colloqi>) [<i>various translationsi>]: <i>although forty is old for a boxer, Foreman is certainly not over the ~,i> walaupun usia empat puluh tahun adalah tua bagi seorang petinju, namun Foreman masih jaguh lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | <i>vti> 1. <i>do battle with,i> bertempur dgn: <i>America fought Japan for three years,i> Amerika bertempur dgn Jepun selama tiga tahun; 2. <i>contend with in physical combat,i> berlawan: <i>my father fought the burglar with his bare hands,i> bapa saya berlawan dgn pencuri itu dgn tangan saja; 3. <i>oppose,i> menentang: <i>the senator fought the bill with determination,i> senator itu menentang rang undang-undang tersebut dgn penuh keazaman; <i>we are going to ~ the action,i> kami akan menentang tindakan itu; 4. <i>strive to overcome;i> a. (<i>disease, social evili>) berusaha /menghapuskan, membasmi/, (berusaha) membanteras; b. (<i>firei>) melawan; c. (<i>fear, paini>) melawan; 5. (<i>in boxingi>) berlawan (tinju) dgn: <i>he fought the champion until the third round,i> dia berlawan dgn jaguh itu sehingga pusingan ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |