ignorant | adj 1. uneducated, unenlightened, jahil, tdk tahu: he is only an ~ peasant, dia hanya orang kampung yg jahil; 2. unaware, not nowing, tdk tahu: he was ~ of the customs of the country, dia tdk tahu adat resam negeri itu; to be ~ of the true facts, tdk tahu akan fakta sebenar; she was ~ of her husband’s whereabouts, perempuan itu tdk tahu di mana suaminya berada; 3. showing ignorance, jahil: an ~ question, soalan yg jahil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blissful | adj berbahagia: a ~ young couple, pasangan muda yg berbahagia; ~ ignorance, kejahilan, jahil: new rules issued in ~ ignorance of the real situation, peraturan-peraturan baru yg dikeluarkan krn jahil akan keadaan yg sebenarnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignoramus | n (orang yg) jahil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deplorably | adv amat, sungguh, sangat: ~ ignorant, amat jahil; ~ dirty, amat kotor. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evidently | adv jelas, nyata: he is ~ engrossed in his work, dia nyata asyik dgn kerjanya; they were ~ ignorant of the situation, jelas mereka jahil ttg situasi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forgive | ~ and forget, maafkan dan lupakan; could be ~n, dapat dimaafkan: one could be ~n for forgetting to bring o’s books on the first day, seseorang dapat dimaafkan kerana terlupa membawa buku pd hari pertama; 2. (used in polite expressions) maaf; (when addressing a royalty) ampun: ~ my ignorance, but who is Dustin Hoffman?, maaf, saya ini agak jahil, tetapi siapa Dustin Hoffman?; ~ me Daniel, we have discussed this before in great detail, maaf, Daniel, kita pernah membincangkan hal ini dgn terperinci; ~ me for interrupting..., maaf, krn mengganggu...; 3. not demand repayment of debt from, melupakan: won’t you ~ her the thirty dollars she owes you?, tak bolehkah kamu lupakan saja hutangnya sebanyak tiga puluh ringgit itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |