byroad | n jalan kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
byway | n small, secondary road, jalan kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lane | n 1. narrow road esp in the country, lorong, jalan kecil: a ~ winding through pretty countryside, lorong yg berliku-liku merentasi daerah luar kota yg indah; 2. (often in place names) narrow street, alley between buildings, lorong: he ran down a back ~, dia berlari turun ke lorong belakang; University ~, Lorong Universiti; 3. marked section on road, lorong: a four ~ highway, lebuh raya empat lorong; I prefer to keep to the middle ~, saya lebih suka mengikut lorong tengah; 4. (in sporting competition) marked strips of track, water, etc, lorong; 5. (of ship, aircraft) frequently used route, laluan: the shipping ~s through the Straits of Malacca, laluan kapal merentasi Selat Melaka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decline | vi 1. slope downward, menurun, melandai: the track ~d to the beach, jalan kecil itu menurun ke pantai; 2. deteriorate, diminish, merosot: his power slowly ~d, kuasanya beransur-ansur merosot; the birth rate has been declining for some years, kadar kelahiran telah merosot selama beberapa tahun; the value of the property is declining steadily, nilai harta itu beransur-ansur merosot; 3. refuse, menolak; (to do st) enggan: every time he is invited he ~s, setiap kali dijemput, dia menolak; he ~d to discuss his future plans, dia enggan membincangkan rancangan masa depannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | vi berakhir, tamat:the war ~ed in 1945, peperangan itu berakhir pd tahun 1945; the track ~s here, jalan kecil ini berakhir di sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascending | adj 1. rising upwards, sedang naik: the ~ smoke drifted westward, asap yg sedang naik itu beredar ke barat; 2. sloping upwards, mendaki, memanjat, naik meninggi: an ~ footpath, jalan kecil yg mendaki; 3. (of plant) menaik, menjalar naik: an ~ stem,batang tumbuhan yg menaik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
across | 2. (rel to position) from side to side of, melintang: lie ~ the bed, berbaring melintang katil; a line ~ the page, garis melintang di muka surat; 3. through, merentasi: the path ~ the bog, jalan kecil yg merentasi paya gambut; 4. extending over, merentangi: a rope was stretched ~ the road, seutas tali diregangkan merentangi jalan; the bridge ~ the canyon, jambatan yg merentangi lurah curam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
going | n 1. departure, pemergian: his ~ will create a power vacuum in the organization, pemergiannya akan meninggalkan lompang kuasa dlm organisasi itu; 2. condition of road, track, etc, keadaan + approp n: the ~ at Doncaster is firm today, keadaan balapan di Doncaster kejap hari ini; 3. condition of travel, perjalanan: the path over the pass was very rough ~ because of the heavy rain, perjalanan di jalan kecil di genting itu sangat sukar disebabkan hujan lebat; the ~ is hard in this weather, perjalanan sukar dlm cuaca begini; 4. conditions that affect o’s ability, keadaan (approp n): if the ~ gets tough, give me a call, jika keadaan menjadi sulit, telefonlah saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowded | adj 1. full of people, penuh sesak: ~ streets, jalan-jalan yg penuh sesak; a ~ city, kota raya yg penuh sesak; 2. restricted in movement, berhimpit-himpit: the sheep were ~ in their small pens, kambing biri-biri itu berhimpit-himpit di dlm kandang yg kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
help | ~ /along, forward/, /menolong, membantu/ + approp v: I ~ed the small boy along, he could hardly cross the busy road, saya menolong memimpin budak kecil itu, dia tdk boleh menyeberang jalan yg sibuk; our moral support will ~ the movement along, sokongan moral kami akan membantu mengembangkan pergerakan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |