disembodied | adj set free from body, terpisah drpd jasad: a ~ spirit, roh yg terpisah drpd jasad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
black body | n jasad hitam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body cavity | n rongga jasad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreign body | n benda asing; (tech) jasad asing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disembodiment | n setting free from body, pemisahan [sst] drpd jasad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
celestial | adj 1. of the sky or heavens, samawi, cakerawala: ~ body, jasad cakerawala; ~ sphere, sfera cakerawala; 2. divine, heavenly, firdausi: ~ bliss, kebahagiaan firdausi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | 6. group of individuals, kumpulan, kelompok; (organized) badan, perkumpulan: a ~ of troops ran into the courtyard, sekumpulan tentera lari ke dlm halaman; voluntary bodies, badan-badan sukarela; legislative ~, badan perundangan; the student ~, golongan mahasiswa; 7. distinct mass, kumpulan, kelompok: Lake Baikal is the largest ~ of fresh water in the world, Tasik Baikal merupakan kumpulan air tawar yg terbesar di dunia; a ~ of cold polar air, sekumpulan udara kutub yg dingin; 8. piece of matter, object, benda; (phys, geom, astron) jasad: foreign ~, benda asing; 9. quantity, jumlah: he was able to amass a large ~ of convincing evidence, dia dapat mengumpulkan sejumlah besar bukti yg meyakinkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |