heartache | n seksaan jiwa, penderitaan batin: the ~ of unrequited love, seksaan jiwa akibat cinta yg tdk berbalas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | ~ and soul, (seluruh) jiwa raga: he flung himself into the project ~ and soul, dia menceburkan diri dlm projek itu dgn seluruh jiwa raganya; heavenly bodies, cakerawala; keep ~ and soul together, menyara hidup: she hardly earns enough to keep ~ and soul together, pendapatannya hampir tdk mencukupi utk menyara hidup; to have ~, (of wine, whisky, etc), (full-bodied) sedap dan berperisa; (strong) kuat perisanya; in a ~, bersama-sama, dlm satu kelompok: they marched to the town hall in a ~, mereka berjalan bersama-sama ke dewan bandaran; over my dead ~, langkah mayatku dulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | put o’s ~ and soul into, menumpukan seluruh jiwa raga thdp: he put his ~ and soul into welfare work, dia menumpukan seluruh jiwa raganya thdp kerja-kerja kebajikan; set o’s ~ on, a. (st) berkenan pd: if you’ve set your ~ on this house, we won’t look any further, jika kamu sudah berkenan pd rumah ini, tdk perlu kita mencari-cari lagi; b. (doing st) /benar-benar, betul-betul/ berhasrat utk : she has set her ~ on becoming a doctor, dia benar-benar berhasrat utk menjadi doktor; o’s ~ is not in st, hati sso tdk sepenuhnya pd sst: his ~ is not in his work, hatinya tdk sepenuhnya pd kerjanya; take ~, jangan putus asa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner | 4. private, a. (of feeling) tersirat, tersembunyi; (rel to specif emotion) jiwa, batin: an ~ feeling of despair, rasa putus asa yg tersirat di hati; she prayed for ~ calm, dia berdoa supaya mendapat ketenangan jiwa; b. (of workings of the mind), [not translated]: I cannot understand the ~ workings of her mind, saya tdk dapat memahami cara dia berfikir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart-searching | n menyelami /jiwa, perasaan, hati/ sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | ~ up, a. suffer nervous illness, patah jiwa; b. (of vehicle) bersepai; ~ /so., st/ up to be, menggembar-gemburkan /sso, sst/; not what /so., st/ is ~ed up to be, tidak(lah) spt yg digembar-gemburkan, cuma indah khabar dr rupa: the holiday resort is not what it is ~ed up to be, tempat peranginan itu tidaklah spt yg digembar-gemburkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infuse | vt 1. instill, menanam, menyemai: he was able to ~ courage into his men, dia berjaya menanam semangat berani dlm jiwa orang-orangnya; 2. fill (so. with courage, desire to do st, etc) menanam, menyemai: to ~ so. with the desire to succeed, menanam semangat ingin berjaya dlm jiwa sso; 3. soak, menyeduh, merendam: the herbs are ~d in hot water, herba itu diseduh dlm air panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack-up | n (colloq) nervous breakdown, gangguan jiwa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner man, inner woman | n 1. soul, batin, jiwa; 2. (jocular) the stomach, selera: delicious food to satisfy the ~, makanan yg lazat utk memuaskan selera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elixir | n eliksir; the ~ of life, air /marga, merta, utama/ jiwa, air maulhayat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |