justification | n 1. act of, a. (proving, explaining that st is right, reasonable, valid, etc) memberikan /justifikasi, alasan yg kuat/: the ~ of his conduct will not be an easy matter, sukar utk memberikan justifikasi bagi kelakuannya; it could be said, in his ~, that..., dapat dikatakan, dlm memberikan justifikasi bagi pihaknya, bahawa...; b. (adjusting text so that the left-hand and right-hand margins are straight) pengimbangan, justifikasi; 2. valid, proper reason for st, justifikasi: what possible ~ could he have for doing such a thing?, apa agaknya justifikasinya berbuat demikian?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justifiable | adj dapat diberikan /justifikasi, alasan yg kuat/; (leg.) berjustifikasi: it was a ~ complaint, aduan itu dapat diberikan justifikasi; ~ homicide, homisid yg berjustifikasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justified | adj 1. having valid, good reason, mempunyai /justifikasi, alasan yg kuat/: he was ~ in sacking the supervisor, dia mempunyai alasan yg kuat memecat penyelia itu; 2. (of action) reasonable, valid, patut; 3. adjusted so that the left-hand and right-hand margins are straight, imbang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justify | vt 1. prove or explain that st is right, reasonable, valid, etc, memberikan /justifikasi, alasan yg kuat/ atas: they were taken to task and asked to ~ their action, mereka dimarahi dan diminta memberikan alasan yg kuat bagi tindakan mereka; can you ~ the statement you’ve just made, boleh kamu berikan alasan yg kuat bagi kenyataan yg kamu buat tadi?; ~ os, membela diri sso: I feel I do not need to ~ myself, saya rasa tdk perlu saya membela diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justify | 2. demonstrate that (st) is reasonable, correct, menunjukkan [sst] berasas: his reaction justifies our suspicion that he was involved in the crime, reaksinya menunjukkan rasa curiga kami bahawa dia terlibat dlm jenayah itu berasas; 3. be good reason for, dijadikan /alasan, justifikasi/: nothing can ~ such cruelty, tdk ada apa pun yg dapat dijadikan alasan bagi kekejaman sedemikian; the fact that he annoyed you does not ~ you hitting him, walaupun dia menyakitkan hati kamu, ini tdk dapat dijadikan alasan utk menumbuknya; 4. adjust (text) so that the left-hand and right-hand margins are straight, mengimbangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |