cabin class | n kelas kabin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cabin | n 1. hut, pondok: log ~, pondok kayu balak; 2. (of ship, aircraft) kabin; 3. driver’s compartment, ruang pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | adj 1. later, succeeding, kemudian, /selepas, sesudah/ itu: in ~ years, pd tahun-tahun kemudian; 2. (naut ) buritan: the ~ cabins, kabin buritan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foremost | adj 1. most important, terutama, terpenting: he is the ~ authority on the law, dia ahli yg terpenting dlm bidang undang-undang; 2. nearest the front, paling depan: the ~ cabin on the ship, kabin paling depan atas kapal itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
berth | vt 1. moor, membawa [sst] masuk ke pelabuhan: the pilot boat helped to ~ the ship, bot pandu itu menolong membawa kapal masuk ke pelabuhan; 2. provide with bunk, memberi [sso] tempat tidur: the officer was ~ed in a large cabin, pegawai itu diberi tempat tidur dlm kabin besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | adj 1. in or on the inside, a. (of part of the main thing e.g. jacket, bag, which is surrounded or hidden), /bahagian, sebelah/ dalam; (of book) dalam: look for it in your ~ pocket, cari barang itu dlm saku bahagian dalam kotmu; ~ back cover, muka belakang dalam; b. (of building etc) di dalam(nya): has the trailer got an ~ toilet?, adakah trailer itu mempunyai tandas di dalam?; c. (of part of main thing that is nearer the centre) di sebelah dalam: he chose an ~ seat, dia memilih tempat duduk di sebelah dalam; they objected to having an ~ cabin, mereka membantah apabila diberi kabin di sebelah dalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |