roadside | n tepi jalan: we parked by the ~ to rest, kami berhenti di tepi jalan utk berehat; a ~ café, kafe tepi jalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sea front | n /pinggir, tepi/ laut: some of the houses along the ~ were damaged during the storm, beberapa buah rumah di sepanjang pinggir laut telah musnah semasa ribut; ~ cafe, kafe pinggir laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
typical | adj 1. (attrib) a. representative of its type, tipikal: the ~ career woman, wanita kerjaya yg tipikal; a ~ kampong Malay, orang Melayu kampung yg tipikal; a ~ French café, sebuah kafe Perancis yg tipikal;b. average, normal, biasa: on a ~ day we deal with 40 patients, pd hari biasa kami melayani 40 pesakit; a ~ English sentence consists of subject and predicate in that order, ayat Inggeris yg biasa terdiri drpd subjek dan predikat dlm urutan begitu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
near | prep close to, a. (in space) dekat dgn, (fml), /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; (colloq) dekat: they have a beautiful house ~ the river, mereka mempunyai sebuah rumah yg indah dekat dgn sungai; ~ the station there can be found various cafés and restaurants, berdekatan dgn stesen terdapat berbagai kafe dan restoran; why won’t you sit ~ me?, kenapa tak nak duduk dekat saya?; b. (in time) tdk lama sebelum: ~ the school holidays, tdk lama sebelum cuti sekolah; ~ the end of the play, tdk lama sebelum lakonan itu tamat; c. (in likeness) hampir serupa dgn: the reproduction is very ~ the original, lukisan itu hampir serupa dgn lukisan sebenar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |