Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : berasa sakit pd kerongkong apabila menelan, kepancingan. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata kail-kail


Tali kail panjang seratus,
     Saya nak mengail ikan parang;
Hendak meniti jambatan putus,
     Hendak menyeberang buaya garang.

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Umpan seumpan,
     kail sebentuk.

Bermaksud :

Melakukan sesuatu usaha tanpa persediaan yang cukup.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

kailn see KALE.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
handlinen tali kail.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fish-hookn mata /kail, pancing/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fishing-rodn joran, batang kail.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fishing-linen tali /pancing, kail/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bite/~, kiss/ the dust, (rhet) die, gugur; ~ off more than one can chew, kalau kail panjang sejengkal, jangan lautan hendak diduga; ~ o’s lips, mengetap bibir; ~ so’s head off, menengking sso; ~ the hand that feeds one, mengkhianati orang yg menolong sso; be bitten with, mabuk, gila: he had been bitten with a love of motorcycles, dia gila motosikal; could have bitten o’s tongue off, menyesal krn /terlepas, terlanjur/ cakap; what’s biting you, (colloq) apa kenanya awak ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
baitvt 1. put bait on, in (st) membubuh umpan /pd, di dlm/: to ~ a hook with worms, membubuh umpan cacing pd mata kail; to ~ a mousetrap, membubuh umpan di dlm perangkap tikus; 2. torment, tease (person) menyeksa jiwa: the older students ~ed the new ones unmercifully, penuntut lama menyeksa jiwa penuntut baru tanpa belas kasihan; 3. harrass (chained animal) with dogs, menyeksa: the dogs were let loose to ~ the chained bear, anjing-anjing itu dilepaskan utk menyeksa beruang yg dirantai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hookn 1. bent, curved piece of metal for hanging etc, (pen)cangkuk: curtain ~s, cangkuk langsir; a large ~ at the end of the crane, cangkuk besar di hujung kren; crochet ~, jarum kait; 2. also fish hook, mata kail; 3. curved cutting tool, sabit: reaping-~, sabit tuai; 4. (geog) cangkuk; 5. (in golf, cricket) pukulan lengkung; 6. (in boxing) tumbukan sauk; /right, left/ ~, sauk /kanan, kiri/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
attach(to a book, magazine, etc) melampirkan: ~ed you will find..., bersama-sama surat ini dilampirkan...; there is a corrigendum ~ed to the book, ada ralat yg dilampirkan pd buku itu; h. (by suspending) menggantung: to ~ a weight to a fishing line, menggantungkan pemberat pd tali kail; 2. (usu pass.), (part of building) dgn berkembar: a house with a garage ~ed, rumah garaj berkembar; 3. (usu pass.) appoint for special, temporary duties, menempatkan sbg pegawai sangkut: a new interpreter will be ~ed to our unit, jurubahasa yg baru akan ditempatkan di unit kita sbg pegawai sangkut; 4. (leg.) arrest, seize (person, property, etc) with authority, menahan; 5. (usu pass.) bind by personal ties, rapat; (to st other than person) sayang akan: he is deeply ~ed to his younger sister, dia sangat rapat dgn adik perempuannya; having lived there for many years, he is really ~ed to the place, krn sudah bertahun-tahun tinggal di sana, dia sangat sayang akan tempat itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
entanglevt (usu pass.) 1.a. cause to become caught, terperangkap, tersangkut: the fish were ~d in the net, ikan-ikan itu terperangkap dlm jala; b. cause to become twisted or tangled, terbelit: her hair became ~d in the branches, rambutnya terbelit pd dahan-dahan itu;the fishing-line got ~d in the weeds, tali kail itu terbelit pd rumpai; 2. a. involve (so. or os) in difficulties or unfavourable circumstances, terjebak: they became ~d in the intricacies of the problem, mereka terjebak dlm kekusutan masalah itu; b. involve (so., os) in a relationship, terlibat:he warned her not to get herself ~d with money-lenders, dia mengingatkannya supaya jangan terlibat dgn pemberi hutang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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