Maklumat Kata

Carian kata tiada di dalam kamus terkini. Sila rujuk capaian Kamus Dalam Talian ini.
kami (kata nama)
1. Bersinonim dengan kita: kami sekelian, kema, kita orang,

2. Bersinonim dengan saya: aku
Berantonim dengan kamu.

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

approbationn (fml) 1. approval, commendation, (mem)perkenan; (preceded by “nod”, “smile”, etc) tanda berkenan: we hope our efforts meet with your ~, kami harap usaha kami akan tuan perkenan; his quick action earned him the ~ of his superior, tindakannya yg cepat itu diperkenan oleh ketuanya; a nod of ~, mengangguk tanda berkenan; 2. official approval, kebenaran, keizinan; (of royalty) perkenan(an): we must first obtain the ~ of the authorities, kita harus terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran pihak berkuasa; the legislation received the royal ~, undang-undang itu mendapat perkenan diraja.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
combatvt 1. engage in battle, menempur, melawan: we will ~ the enemy with all our might, kami akan menempur musuh dgn segala kekuatan kami; 2. struggle against, memerangi: measures to ~ inflation, langkah-langkah utk memerangi inflasi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flat1~ out, (colloq) a. with all o’s strength, bermati-matian, bertungkus-lumus, berhempas pulas; b. at full speed, selaju-lajunya, secepat-cepatnya: because we were late we drove ~ out all the way to the airport, disebabkan kami terlewat, kami memandu selaju-lajunya ke lapangan terbang; c. exhausted, sangat letih; knock (so.) ~, /menumbangkan, merebahkan/ sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
interestedadj 1. having interest, keen, berminat: we wanted to show him our stamp collection but he was not ~ to see it, kami hendak menunjukkan kepadanya koleksi setem kami tetapi dia tdk berminat utk melihatnya; my brother wants to sell his car. Are you ~?, abang saya hendak menjual keretanya. Kamu berminat?; 2. (of look etc) showing interest, (dgn) penuh minat: she gave him an ~ look, dia memandang lelaki itu dgn penuh minat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
awayadv 1. distant, a. (in space), (jauhnya) dr /sini, situ, tempat ini, tempat itu/: our house is two kilometres ~, rumah kami dua kilometer jauhnya dr sini; I can’t wait to get ~, saya tak sabar utk pergi dr sini; b. (in time) lagi: his sixtieth birthday is only a month ~, hari jadinya yg keenam puluh hanya sebulan lagi; 2. (foll by adv) a. in the distance, jauh: we could see the enemy positions ~ over to our right, kami dapat melihat kedudukan musuh jauh di sebelah kanan kami; he lives ~ on the other side of the river, dia tinggal jauh di sebelah sana sungai; b. in the past, dulu, dahulu: ~ back in the tenth century..., dlm abad kesepuluh dulu...; 3. absent, tdk ada: the boss was ~ yesterday, ketua tdk ada semalam; she’s ~ at a conference, dia tdk ada krn menghadiri persidangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gratefuladj 1. full of gratitude, sangat berterima kasih, terhutang budi: we are ~ to you for all that you’ve done for us, kami terhutang budi pd saudara atas segala yg telah saudara lakukan utk kami; so. is ~ that, sso bersyukur: he was ~ that they didn’t ask to see his licence, dia bersyukur mereka tdk hendak melihat lesennya; so. would be ~ if, bolehkah: I’d be ~ if you could keep an eye on the children while I’m out shopping, bolehkah kamu menengok-nengok budak-budak ini semasa saya pergi membeli barang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
assurevt 1. convince, meyakinkan: we tried to ~ the woman of her son’s safety, kami mencuba meyakinkan perempuan itu bahawa anaknya selamat; 2. guarantee, promise, menjamin: we can ~ you that the goods will arrive this week, kami berani menjamin bahawa barangan itu akan tiba pd minggu ini; 3. inform positively, meyakinkan: she ~d me that she didn’t need any help, dia meyakinkan saya bahawa dia tdk memerlukan pertolongan apa pun; 4. ensure, menjamin: a large donation will not ~ the success of the campaign, derma yg banyak tdk akan menjamin kejayaan kempen itu; 5. (UK) insure, menginsuranskan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
faradv 1. at, to considerable distance in space, jauh: do you live ~ from here?, kamu tinggal jauh dr sini?; we did not go ~, kami tdk pergi jauh; 2. from a considerable distance, dr jauh: did you come ~?, kamu datang dr jauh?; 3. (used with other adv or prep) a great distance in space or time, jauh: they lived ~ away from us, mereka tinggal jauh dr rumah kami; he was ~ ahead of the other runners, dia jauh di hadapan pelari-pelari lain; to look ~ into the future, melihat jauh ke masa depan; 4. a great deal, very much, a. (modifying adj) jauh: the journey was ~ worse than we expected, perjalanan itu jauh lebih teruk drpd yg kami sangka; it would have been ~ better to resign, jauh lebih baik sekiranya dia meletak jawatan; b. (modifying adv), [not translated]: she’s ~ too thin, dia terlalu kurus; it’s ~ too crowded in here, tempat ini terlalu sesak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down1prep 1. to lower place on a hill etc, menuruni: to run ~ the steep slope, berlari menuruni cerun yg curam itu; 2. along, a. (river, stream, etc in the direction of the sea) ke hilir: we rowed ~ the river, kami mendayung ke hilir sungai itu; b. (road, street, etc) di: as we were walking ~ the narrow lane..., semasa kami berjalan di lorong sempit itu...; what’s the weather like ~ your way?, bagaimana cuaca di tempat kamu?; c. (pipe, tube, etc) melalui, di: water gushing ~ the conduit, air yg mengalir deras melalui pembuluh; d. (surface of) di: blood trickled ~ his cheek, darah meleleh di pipinya; 3. at a point along, a. (river, stream, etc) di hilir: they live ~ the river, mereka tinggal di hilir sungai; b. (road, street etc) di depan sedikit: his room is ~ the corridor, biliknya di depan sedikit koridor ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
funn 1. amusement, gaiety, keseronokan, seronok: the holiday was great ~ for us all, percutian itu ialah satu keseronokan bagi kami semua; there’s no ~ in going on your own, tdk seronok pergi sendirian; we had such ~ at the carnival, kami seronok betul di pesta itu; get some ~, mendapat keseronokan, seronok: they should get some fun out of the trip, mereka harus seronok menyertai rombongan itu; be full of ~, (of person) seronok bersama sso: the children love him because he is full of ~, budak-budak menyukainya krn mereka seronok bersamanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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