village | n 1. place smaller than a town, kampung, desa: there is a little ~ in the valley, ada sebuah kampung kecil di lembah itu; a ~ community, masyarakat kampung; 2. people of a village collectively, (orang) /kampung, desa/: the whole ~ attended his funeral, seluruh kampung itu menghadiri pengebumiannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rustic | adj 1. characteristic of country people, kampung, desa: ~ dwellings, rumah-rumah kampung; ~ life, kehidupan desa; the ~ simplicity of their lives, cara hidup kampung yg sederhana; 2. unrefined, kekampungan: their ~ ways, cara mereka yg kekampungan; 3. of rough workmanship, kasar buatannya: ~ furniture, perabot yg kasar buatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
country | adj 1. a. from the country, desa, kampung: a ~ girl, gadis desa; b. of, in the country, desa: a ~ house, rumah desa; ~ sports, sukan desa; ~ life, hidup di /kampung, desa/; 2. country and western, lagu rakyat Amerika: a ~ singer, penyanyi lagu rakyat Amerika; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
folk | n 1. (US often ~s) people in general, orang: country ~, orang kampung; city ~, orang bandar; 2. (esp US), (always in pl), (family) keluarga; (parents) orang tua, ibu bapa: the ~s back home, keluarga di kampung; 3. (colloq), (as term of address) kawan-kawan, saudara saudari, pak cik mak cik, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan [as appropriate]; 4. (colloq) ~ music, muzik rakyat: he doesn’t like ~, dia tak suka muzik rakyat; ~ concert, konsert muzik rakyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rogue | n 1. villain, penyangak: ~s and vagabonds roam the countryside, penyangak dan orang merempat merayau-rayau di kawasan kampung; 2. likeable rascal, nakal: Tom is a bit of a ~ but we like him, Tom memang nakal sedikit tetapi kami suka akan dia; 3. (attrib) wild, dangerous animal, meta: the village was attacked by a ~ elephant, kampung itu diserang oleh seekor gajah meta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
low 1 | adv 1. in or to a position close to the ground or bottom of st, rendah: the village is situated ~ in the foothills, kampung itu terletak rendah di kawasan kaki bukit; the plane was flying ~, kapal terbang itu terbang rendah; he bowed ~, dia membongkok rendah utk memberi hormat; 2. at a low pitch, nada rendah: she was singing ~, dia menyanyi dgn nada rendah; 3. in a condition of depletion, berkurang: the stocks of food are running ~, bekalan makanan semakin berkurang; 4. at a low price, dgn harga yg /rendah, murah/: he bought ~ and sold high, dia membeli dgn harga yg rendah dan menjualnya dgn harga yg tinggi; 5. softly, perlahan: she switched the radio on ~ as it was getting late, dia memasang radio perlahan krn hari sudah larut malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
countryman | n 1. (from the rural district) orang /kampung, desa/; 2. compatriot, teman senegeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stern 1 | adj 1. firm, strict, tegas dan serius: Mr. Higgins was a ~ headmaster and a much respected person in the village, En. Higgins merupakan seorang guru besar yg tegas dan serius dan sangat dihormati di kampung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remote | adj 1. secluded, terpencil: a ~ village in the Andes, sebuah kampung terpencil di Pergunungan Andes; the ~st parts of the world, bahagian-bahagian paling terpencil di dunia; 2. distant, a. (in time), [various translations]: the ~ future, masa depan yg jauh lagi; the ~ past, masa lampau yg lama dahulu; b. (in space) nan jauh: the ~ stars, bintang-bintang nan jauh; 3. distant in relationship or kinship, jauh: a ~ relative, saudara jauh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aflame | adj & adv 1. in flames, terbakar: the village was ~, kampung itu terbakar; 2. in a glow of light, colour, bersemarak: the forest was ~ with colour, hutan itu bersemarak dgn berbagai-bagai warna; the sky was ~ in the setting sun, langit itu bersemarak ketika matahari terbenam; 3. keenly excited, aroused, a. (of person) bernyala-nyala, bersemarak: he was ~ with the desire to acquire more knowledge, keinginan utk memperoleh pengetahuan yg lebih banyak bernyala-nyala dlm dirinya; b. (of face) merah padam: his face was ~ with fury, mukanya merah padam keberangan; c. (of eyes) bernyala-nyala, bersinar-sinar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |