dart | vi 1. rush, meluru: to ~ up the stairs, meluru menaiki tangga; he ~ed in and snatched the book from my hand, dia meluru masuk lalu merampas buku itu dr tangan saya; a fawn ~ed out of the thicket, seekor anak rusa meluru keluar dr belukar; the fish ~ed among the corals, ikan-ikan itu meluru-luru di celah-celah batu karang; 2. fly swiftly, terbang dgn lajunya: swallows ~ing about in the sky, burung layang-layang yg terbang dgn lajunya ke sana ke mari di udara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | vi 1. become visible, a. (suddenly) muncul; (of spiritual, supernatural being) menjelma; (of star) terbit; (of rash) timbul: a masked man ~ed in the doorway, seorang lelaki bertopeng muncul di pintu; the devil ~ed before him in the guise of a tiger, hantu itu menjelma di hadapannya dlm bentuk seekor harimau; stars ~ing one by one, bintang terbit satu demi satu; as soon as spots ~ed, the patient’s temperature started to fall, sebaik sahaja bintik-bintik timbul, suhu badan pesakit itu pun turun; b. (slowly) kelihatan: the clouds rolled away and the sun ~ed, awan berarak dan matahari pun kelihatan; they could hear the train long before it ~ed, mereka terdengar akan bunyi kereta api itu lama sebelum kereta api itu kelihatan; the reef only ~s when the tide is low, terumbu karang kelihatan hanya apabila air surut; a smile ~ed on his lips, dia kelihatan tersenyum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |