crown | n 1. ornamental head-dress of monarch, mahkota, tajuk; 2. garland worn on the head, karangan: a ~ of flowers, karangan bunga; 3. usu the C~, a. position of king or queen, takhta kerajaan: rival claimants to the ~, pihak-pihak yg bersaing utk menuntut takhta kerajaan; C~ land, tanah kerajaan; to wear the ~, menjadi raja; succeed to the ~, menaiki takhta; b. king or queen, raja: to pay homage to the ~, memberikan penghormatan kpd raja; c. monarchical government, kerajaan: an officer of the C~, pegawai kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
essay | n 1. short literary composition, esei; (as part of school work) esei, karangan: a collection of his ~s was published last April, sekumpulan eseinya diterbitkan pd bulan April lalu; he has two ~s to write during the school holidays, dia mesti menulis dua esei semasa cuti sekolahnya; 2. (fml) attempt, percubaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | adj 1. very unsatisfactory, buruk, tdk baik: ~ working conditions, keadaan kerja yg buruk; a ~ essay, karangan yg buruk; the treatment was ~, layanan yg diberikan buruk; a ~ performance by the company, prestasi yg buruk oleh syarikat itu; 2. unfavourable, unpleasant, buruk: a ~ dream, mimpi yg buruk; ~ effects, kesan-kesan buruk; a ~ experience, pengalaman buruk; a ~ influence, pengaruh buruk; I have ~ news for you, saya ada berita buruk utk kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easy | adj 1. not difficult (to do, get, achieve, etc) mudah, senang: a passage that is ~ to understand, petikan karangan yg mudah difahami; an ~ task, kerja yg mudah; be ~ prey to, mudah menjadi mangsa kpd; he is not ~ to get on with, tdk mudah bergaul dengannya; 2. comfortable, senang: to have an ~ life, hidup senang; 3. be free from pain, lega: the patient felt ~ after the injection, pesakit itu berasa lega selepas disuntik; 4. relaxed, (of manner etc) bersahaja: gerak lakunya bersahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
digression | n deviation (from main subject), /penyimpangan, pelencongan/ (drpd tajuk), /menyimpang, melencong/ (drpd tajuk): ~s are to be avoided in essays, penyimpangan drpd tajuk hendaklah dielakkan dlm karangan; I beg your pardon for this ~, saya minta maaf krn menyimpang drpd tajuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grief-stricken | adj dilanda /kesedihan, kehibaan, kepiluan/: with tears in her eyes, the ~ mother laid the wreath on her son’s grave, dgn linangan air mata, ibu yg dilanda kesedihan itu meletakkan karangan bunga di atas kubur anaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extract | 4. elicit, obtain from so. who is usually unwilling, mendapatkan: he eventually ~ed the information that they wanted, akhirnya dia mendapatkan maklumat yg dikehendaki oleh mereka; 5. select or quote (an article, passage, etc) memetik:passages ~ed from Greene’s novel, potongan-potongan karangan yg dipetik dr novel Greene. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
composition | n 1. act of composing, a. (literary work) mengarang; b. (song, music, etc) penggubahan; c. (printing) penyusunan huruf; 2. st composed, a. (work of art) gubahan; b. (song, music, etc) gubahan; c. (essay) karangan, esei; 3. constituent parts, kandungan, komposisi; (of a body of people) komposisi: to analyse the ~ of the soil sample, menganalisis kandungan sampel tanah; the ~ of the working commitee, komposisi jawatankuasa kerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
improvement | n 1. a. act of improving, memperbaik: there is need for ~ in the living standards, perlu memperbaik taraf hidup; b. state of being improved, kemajuan; (in health) bertambah sihat, kesihatan [sso] bertambah baik: his work shows ~, ada kemajuan dlm kerjanya; the doctor is pleased with her ~, doktor berpuas hati krn dia bertambah sihat or krn kesihatannya bertambah baik; 2. sign, result of improving, perbaikan: this is a great ~, ini perbaikan yg hebat; ~ in st, sst /bertambah, menjadi lebih/ baik: all we can do is to pray for an ~ in the weather, apa yg kita boleh buat sekarang adalah berdoa agar cuaca bertambah baik; be an ~ on, lebih baik drpd: this essay is an ~ on the previous one, karangan ini lebih baik drpd yg dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |