intimate 1 | n close friend, kawan /rapat, karib/, sahabat karib. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
best | adj (superl of GOOD); ~ friend, kawan /karib, rapat/, sahabat karib; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chum | n (colloq) close friend, kawan /rapat, baik, karib/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inseparable | adj 1. always together, tdk boleh /berpisah, bercerai/: the boys have become ~, budak-budak itu tdk boleh berpisah; ~ friends, sahabat karib; 2. that cannot be considered apart, tdk dapat dipisahkan: the dangers that are ~ from such work, bahaya yg tdk dapat dipisahkan drpd pekerjaan spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast1 | my watch is ten minutes ~, jam saya cepat sepuluh minit; 5. (old-fashioned) given to seeking pleasure and excitement, suka berfoya-foya: a ~ set of people, sekumpulan manusia yg suka berfoya-foya; 6. firmly fixed, approp v + (dgn) /kukuh, teguh/: the post is ~ in the ground, tiang itu tertanam dgn kukuh dlm tanah; 7. steady, close, karib, rapat: ~ friends, kawan karib; 8. unfading, kekal, tdk luntur: ~ colour, warna yg tdk luntur; 9. (photog) pantas: a ~ film, filem pantas; 10. (cricket) delivering ball rapidly, deras: ~ bowler, pembaling deras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimate 1 | adj 1. close, familiar, rapat, mesra: he is ~ with the author, dia rapat dgn penulis itu; this ~ relationship lasted a lifetime, hubungan mesra ini berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat; we were never ~ with our neighbours, kami tdk pernah rapat dgn jiran; ~ friend, kawan /karib, rapat/, sahabat rapat; be on ~ terms, sangat mesra: the two are on ~ terms, mereka berdua sangat mesra; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | adj 1. near, dekat: at ~ range, pd jarak dekat; a house ~ to the road, rumah yg dekat dgn jalan; 2. compact, rapat-rapat: the soldiers marched in ~ order, askar-askar itu berkawat dlm barisan yg rapat-rapat; it was difficult to read the ~ print, sukar utk membaca tulisan yg rapat-rapat itu; 3. intimate, karib, rapat: a ~ friend, kawan rapat; 4. near in relationship, rapat: ~ relatives, saudara rapat; 5. thorough, rigorous, teliti: a ~ inspection, pemeriksaan teliti; a ~ study, kajian yg teliti; pay ~ attention, perhatikan dgn teliti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bosom | n 1. breast, chest, dada: she clutched the child to her ~, dia mendakap kanak-kanak itu ke dadanya; 2. the female breasts, buah dada: ample ~s, buah dada yg besar; 3. part of garment covering the breast, bahagian dada; 4. seat of emotions, hati: he kept the secret locked in his ~, dia menyimpan rahsia itu dlm hatinya; 5. (attrib) intimate, rapat, karib: ~ friend, kawan rapat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inaccessible | be ~ to, a. (of place) that cannot be reached, tdk dapat didatangi; b. not able to be used, read, nown, etc, tdk dapat + approp v : rare books that are ~ to the general public, buku-buku nadir yg tdk dapat dirujuk oleh orang awam; c. not be open to, tdk terbuka pd: an exclusive society, ~ to all but the most learned, persatuan eksklusif yg tdk terbuka pd semua orang kecuali golongan cerdik pandai; d. not be approachable to, tdk dapat dihubungi oleh: he kept himself ~ to everyone but his closest friends, dia tdk dapat dihubungi ecuali oleh awan-kawan karib. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |