caution | n 1. wariness, heedfulness, sikap /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: a task requiring ~, satu tugas yg memerlukan sikap berhati-hati; /exercise, use/ ~, (ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada; with ~, dgn /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: this is a matter of national interest, you must proceed with ~, ini ialah soal kepentingan negara, kamu mesti menjalankannya dgn berwaspada; 2. warning, a. (gen) amaran: he was let off with a ~, dia dibebaskan dgn amaran; b. (on road signs) Awas!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indiscreet | adj (of person) kurang /hemat, hati-hati/, tdk bijaksana; (of behaviour) tdk bijaksana; (of remark, comment, etc), (dibuat secara) tdk hati-hati; (of affair) terang-terangan: I have never known her to be ~, setahu saya dia tdk berlaku kurang hemat; he made a number of ~ remarks about the incident, dia membuat beberapa komen yg tdk hati-hati ttg peristiwa tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumspect | adj hati-hati; a ~ investor, pelabur yg hati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cautious | adj hati-hati, waspada: a ~ move, langkah yg hati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guarded | adj cautious, (ber)hati-hati: the minister made a ~ statement to the press, menteri itu membuat kenyataan yg hati-hati kpd pihak akhbar; ~ reply, jawapan yg berhati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
careful | adj 1. cautious, heedful, hati-hati, cermat: a ~ driver, pemandu yg hati-hati; be ~, berhati-hati; 2. thorough, teliti: a ~ study, suatu kajian yg teliti; 3. frugal, cermat, jimat, hemat: he is ~ with his money, dia cermat dgn wangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumspection | n (fml) hati-hati: he behaved with considerable ~, dia bertindak dgn begitu hati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incautious | adj tdk hati-hati: an ~ remark, kata yg tdk hati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | compar of GOOD, WELL; for ~ (or) for worse, biar apa pun yg terjadi, tanpa mengira /baik buruknya, baik buruk kesudahannya/; no ~ than, sama spt, lebih kurang: he is no ~ than a thief, dia sama spt pencuri; o’s ~ feelings, kata hati, hati /kecil, nurani/; the ~ part of, hampir semua; (rel to time) hampir: he ate the ~ part of the pie, dia makan hampir semua pai itu; she spent the ~ part of the day shopping, dia menghabiskan hampir sehari membeli-belah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chary | adj 1. cautious, hati-hati: to be ~ of speaking one’s mind, hati-hati apabila melahirkan fikiran; 2. sparing, kedekut: ~ of praise, kedekut dgn pujian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |