lacerated | adj (fig.) luka: her words soothed his ~ feelings, kata-kata wanita itu menenangkan hatinya yg luka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | 4. least likely to happen or be true, sama sekali tdk akan: he is the ~ person I would have expected to help, dia merupakan orang yg sama sekali saya tdk sangka akan menolong; it’s the ~ thing I want to do, itu merupakan perkara yg sama sekali tdk akan saya lakukan; 5. final, (ter)akhir: these are my ~ words on the subject, ini kata-kata akhir saya ttg perkara tersebut; I only managed to see the ~ ten minutes of the news, saya hanya dapat melihat sepuluh minit yg akhir berita itu; she always leaves everything until the ~ moment, dia sering menangguhkan sst sehingga saat-saat terakhir; 6. endmost person or thing in queue, chain, etc, hujung sekali, paling hujung: the ~ shop in the row, kedai yg paling hujung dlm deretan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laconic | adj (fml) 1. using few words, ringkas: that one ~ remark revealed his attitude to the suggestion, kata-katanya yg ringkas itu menunjukkan sikapnya thdp cadangan tersebut; 2. given to using few words, tdk banyak cakap: a ~ young man, pemuda yg tdk banyak cakap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 4. ask question designed to extract desired answer, mengemukakan soalan pimpin: the defense counsel attempted to ~ the witness, peguam pembela itu mencuba mengemukakan soalan pimpin kpd saksi tersebut; 5. steer the course of (conversation), membawa; (tutorial etc) membimbing: she was very clever in ~ing the conversation to a point where she could enquire about her ex-husband, dia sangat pandai membawa perbualan itu supaya dia dapat menanyakan hal bekas suaminya; the tutor led the discussion group, tutor itu membimbing kumpulan perbincangan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 3. influence, motivate, menyebabkan, mendorong, mempengaruhi, membuat: why did you ~ me to believe that the story was true?, mengapa kamu membuat saya percaya bahawa cerita itu benar?; the results ~ me to the conclusion that..., keputusan itu menyebabkan saya membuat kesimpulan bahawa ...; curiosity led him to investigate further, rasa ingin tahu telah mendorongnya utk menyiasat lebih lanjut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | vt 1. show the way, guide, membawa: the guests were led into the reception hall, tetamu-tetamu dibawa ke dewan sambutan; the children were led down the steps, pelajar-pelajar dibawa menuruni tangga itu; 2. guide by holding, pulling, etc, menuntun: the mother took the little girl’s hand and led her upstairs, ibu itu memegang tangan anak perempuannya lalu menuntunnya ke tingkat atas; he led the horse into the stable, dia menuntun kuda itu ke kandang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 3. form a means of access to, menuju, menghala: that gate ~s into the field, pintu pagar itu menghala ke padang; 4. be first or ahead in sports or games, mendahului yg lain: he led from start to finish, dia mendahului yg lain dr mula hingga akhir; 5. take control, head, memimpin; (in dancing) memulakan langkah: she doesn’t enjoy taking orders but always likes to ~, dia tdk suka diperintah tetapi suka memimpin; the man usually ~s in ballroom dancing, semasa berdansa, lelakilah selalunya yg memulakan langkah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | vi 1. go in front esp to direct so. or st, a. (by walking) berjalan di hadapan: Mary led and I followed down the winding path, Mary berjalan di hadapan dan saya mengikutnya di jalan yg berbelok-belok itu; b. (by running) berlari di hadapan; c. (in vehicle) di hadapan: the jeep led most of the way, jip itu hampir sepanjang perjalanan berada di hadapan; 2. be or form a way, menuju, menghala: this road ~s to the village, jalan ini menuju ke kampung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | lose the ~ to so., tdk lagi mendahului yg lain; /move, go/ into the ~, mendahului yg lain; take the ~, [various translations]: Japan takes the ~ in technological advancement, Jepun mendahului negara-negara lain dlm kemajuan teknologi; he always takes the ~ at meetings, dia sering mengambil peranan utama dlm mesyuarat-mesyuarat; he took the ~ in opposing the bill, dia mengetuai tindakan menentang rang undang-undang itu; take (over) the ~ from so., mendahului yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | give a ~, memberikan petunjuk: I hope you can give me a ~ as to how to act, saya berharap kamu dapat memberikan petunjuk bagaimana saya harus bertindak; have a ~, mendahului yg lain: he had a ~ of several yards when he fell, ketika dia jatuh, dia telah pun mendahului yg lain sejauh beberapa ela; in the ~, mendahului yg lain: in the earlier part of the race, she was in the ~, pd permulaan perlumbaan itu, dia mendahului yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |