wire | <i>vii> (<i>espi> US), /mengirim, menghantar/ kawat: <i>he had to ~ for more money,i> dia terpaksa mengirim kawat utk mendapatkan wang lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cable | <i>vti> 1. <i>send message by cable to,i> mengirim /kabel, kawat/ kpd: <i>we must ~ our representative immediately,i> kita mesti mengirim kabel kpd wakil kita dgn segera; 2. <i>send by cable,i> mengawatkan, mengirim [n] /melalui, dgn/ /kabel, kawat/: <i>the news has been ~d to the embassy,i> berita itu telah dikawatkan ke kedutaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cablegram | <i>ni> kawat, kabel. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chicken-wire | <i>ni> /dawai, kawat/ mata punai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barbed | <i>adji> 1. berduri: <i>~ wire,i> /kawat, dawai/ berduri; 2 <i>(fig.)i> tajam, pedas, menusuk hati: <i>a ~ remark,i> kata-kata yg pedas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wire | <i>vti> 1. <i>fasten with wirei>(<i>si>), mengikat [sst] dgn dawai: <i>the lid was ~d to the crate,i> tudung itu diikat dgn dawai pd peti kayu; <i>he ~d the label to the handle,i> dia mengikat label dgn dawai pd gagang itu; 2. <i>stiffen with wire,i> membubuh dawai pd: <i>you will have to ~ the collar to make it stand up,i> kamu hendaklah membubuh dawai pd kolar supaya kolar itu tegak; 3. <i>connect wires in,i> memasang wayar pd, mendawaikan: <i>they have finished wiring the house,i> mereka telah siap memasang wayar pd rumah itu; 4. a. (US) <i>sendi> (<i>so.i>) <i>a telegram,i> /mengirim, menghantar/ kawat kpd, mengirimi [sso] kawat: <i>he ~d his parents on their wedding anniversary,i> dia mengirim kawat kpd ibu bapanya pd hari ulang tahun perkahwinan mereka; b. (US) <i>sendi> (<i>sti>) by telegram, /mengirim, menghantar/ [sst] dgn kawat: <i>he ~d the news to head office,i> dia mengirim berita itu dgn kawat ke ibu pejabat; <i>he ~d the money to his brother,i> dia mengirim duit kpd adiknya dgn kawat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
muster | <i>vi assemblei>, berbaris: <i>the troops ~ on the parade-groundi>, tentera berbaris di padang kawat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stentorian | <i> adj (fml)i> kuat dan lantang: <i> the ~ voice of the drill sergeant,i> suara kuat dan lantang jurulatih kawat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
range | <i>vti> 1. <i>arrange in a row or rows,i> membariskan, menderetkan: <i>the soldiers were ~d on the parade ground,i> askar-askar itu dibariskan di padang kawat; <i>glasses were ~d on the shelf,i> gelas-gelas dibariskan di atas para; 2. (<i>usu refli>) <i>classify,i> berkelompok: <i>the workers ~d themselves against the management,i> pekerja-pekerja itu berkelompok menentang pihak pengurusan; 3. <i>aim,i> membidik: <i>he ~d the gun to hit the enemy ship,i> dia membidik meriam utk menembak kapal musuh; 4. <i>wander, roam,i> merayau-rayau di: <i>the cattle are free to ~ the plains,i> lembu-lembu itu bebas merayau-rayau di dataran; <i>pirates ~d the seas,i> lanun merayau-rayau di laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outward | <i>adv usui> outwards 1. <i>towards the outside,i> ke luar; (<i>rel to actioni>) ke (arah): <i>bend the ends of the wire outwards,i> bengkokkan hujung kawat itu ke luar; <i>he stood by the window, staring outwards at the sea,i> dia berdiri di tingkap sambil memandang ke arah laut; push o’s lips ~, menjuihkan bibir sso; 2. (<i>rel to journey etci>) ke luar: <i>our journey outwards was quite uneventful,i> tdk ada peristiwa yg menarik semasa perjalanan ke luar kami; ~ bound ship, kapal yg dlm pelayaran keluar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |