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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata ke atas 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

aboardprep 1. in or on, di, di atas: passengers ~ the Titanic, penumpang-penumpang di kapal Titanic; 2. onto or into, ke, ke atas, ke dlm: to haul the crate ~ the boat, menarik peti kayu itu ke atas kapal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
upward1. towards a higher place, ke atas: the road winds ~, jalan itu berliku-liku ke atas; he lay face ~ on the floor, dia berbaring dgn mukanya ke atas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
upstairsadv 1. towards a higher floor, ke atas: go ~ and get your coat, pergi ke atas dan ambil kot kamu; he fell as he was walking ~, dia jatuh semasa dia sedang berjalan ke atas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aboveadv 1. at a higher point, di (sebelah) atas: the branches ~, dahan-dahan di sebelah atas; from ~, dari atas: seen from ~, dilihat dari atas; 2. to a higher point, ke atas; 3. on a higher floor, di atas, di tingkat atas: there are three bedrooms ~, ada tiga buah bilik tidur di atas; 4. to a higher floor, ke atas, ke tingkat atas: a stairway that leads ~, tangga yg menuju ke atas; 5. in the sky, di langit: the moon ~, bulan di langit; 6. (of sky, ceiling, etc), [not translated]: the blue sky ~, langit biru;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
onto, on toprep 1. to a place or point on, ke atas: he jumped ~ the horse, dia melompat ke atas kuda itu; the children climbed ~ the roof, kanak-kanak itu naik ke atas bumbung; 2. (indic direction towards which one is moving etc) terus ke: all the bedrooms open ~ a verandah, semua bilik tidur itu terbuka terus ke beranda; 3. (indic place into which st is being put) ke dalam: I watched as they loaded our things ~ the lorry, saya memperhatikan sahaja semasa mereka memunggah barang-barang kami ke dalam lori; 4. (indic that one is introducing a new subject) kepada: let’s move on to the next item on the agenda, mari kita beralih kepada perkara seterusnya dlm agenda;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
uponprep 1. upward so as to be on, ke atas: the child climbed ~ his father’s back, budak itu memanjat ke atas belakang bapanya; 2. in a high position on, di atas: a house built ~ the hill, rumah yg dibina di atas bukit; 3. imminent, menjelang tiba: the school holidays are ~ us again, cuti sekolah menjelang tiba lagi; 4. immediately following on, apabila: ~ his death, the property went to his son, apabila dia meninggal, harta itu menjadi milik anak lelakinya; 5. (used between the two occurrences of the same noun) demi; (if the noun is expressed in number or unit of measure) ber- + approp n: request ~ request was submitted to the department, permohonan demi permohonan telah dikemukakan kpd jabatan itu; hundreds ~ hundreds of people arrived at the assembly, beratus-ratus orang tiba di perhimpunan itu; they travelled through mile ~ mile of desert, mereka mengembara merentasi gurun yg berbatu-batu jauhnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
attackn 1. physical assault, serangan: the Japanese ~ on Pearl Harbour, serangan Jepun ke atas Pearl Harbour; an ~ on so’s life, serangan ke atas diri sso; they made several ~s on the enemy stronghold, mereka melakukan beberapa serangan ke atas kubu pihak musuh; come under ~, diserang; 2. adverse criticism, a. (of so.) serangan, bidasan: the ~ against the Member of Parliment, bidasan thdp Ahli Parlimen; b. (of st) bidasan, serangan, kritikan yg hebat: to defend o’s work against the ~s of the critics, mempertahankan karya sso drpd bidasan pengkritik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
upside-downadv 1. with the upper part under, kepala ke bawah kaki ke atas: the bats were hanging ~, kelawar-kelawar itu bergantungan dgn kepala ke bawah kaki ke atas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
upadj 1. directed or going up, ke atas, naik: the ~ escalator is out of use, eskalator ke atas sudah rosak; 2. (UK), (of train) travelling towards a larger city, ke /kota, bandar/: the ~ trains run every 45 minutes, kereta api ke kota berlepas setiap 45 minit; 3. being repaired, sedang dibaiki: “Road U~”, “Jalan sedang Dibaiki”; 4. going on, taking place, berlaku, terjadi: there’s something ~, ada sesuatu yg berlaku; 5. ahead of o’s opponent, lebih: ~ two holes in a golf match, lebih dua lubang dlm perlawanan golf; 6. being under consideration, sedang dipertimbangkan: the bill is now ~ before Parliament, rang undang-undang itu sedang dipertimbangkan oleh Parlimen sekarang; 7. (of computer etc) in operation, boleh digunakan: thank goodness the bank’s computer is ~ again this morning, syukurlah komputer bank boleh digunakan semula pagi ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aboardadv 1. in or on ship, aircraft, etc, /di, di dlm/ + approp n: that night he did not sleep ~, malam itu dia tdk tidur di kapal; 2. onto or into ship, aircraft, etc, /ke atas, ke dlm/ + approp n: they pulled the unconscious man ~, mereka menarik orang yg pengsan itu ke atas kapal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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