justice | bring to ~, membawa ke muka pengadilan: the murderer was finally brought to ~, pembunuh itu akhirnya dibawa ke muka pengadilan; do /~ to so., so. ~/, berlaku adil (thdp sso): to do him ~, we must admit that he is innocent of any intent to deceive, utk berlaku adil kita mesti mengakui bahawa dia tdk mempunyai sebarang niat utk menipu; do /~ to st, st ~/, a. capture, show to the best advantage, menunjukkan sst: the photograph did ~ to his good looks, gambar foto itu menunjukkan ketampanannya; b. (show due appreciation of by eating with relish), (me)makan sst dgn penuh selera; (eat enough of) makan banyak: they certainly did ~ to the meal, mereka makan juadah itu dgn penuh selera; didn’t do the food ~ because we were already full, kami tdk dapat makan banyak krn kami kenyang; do os ~, menunjukkan segala kebolehan sso: he did not do himself ~ in the exams, dia tdk menunjukkan segala kebolehannya di dlm peperiksaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facer | n 1. (in boxing ) tumbukan ke muka; 2. sudden, unexpected difficulty, tamparan: the scientist’s defection was a ~ for the country, pembelotan saintis itu merupakan satu tamparan kpd negara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fore | adj hadapan, depan: his seat was in the ~ part of the train, tempat duduknya di bahagian hadapan kereta api itu; ~ and aft, at the bow and stern, di luan dan buritan; bring so. to the ~, menampilkan sso ke muka; /be, come/ to the ~, tampil ke muka: this problem came to the ~ during the Korean War, masalah ini tampil ke muka semasa Perang Korea. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | 3. in the presence of, di /hadapan, muka/: she was giving evidence ~ a committee of inquiry, dia sedang memberikan keterangan di hadapan jawatankuasa penyiasat; bring so. ~ the judge, membawa sso ke /muka, hadapan/ hakim; 4. under the consideration or jurisdiction of, dihadapkan ke mahkamah: the case ~ the court, perkara yg dihadapkan ke mahkamah; 5. in the face of, apabila berhadapan dgn: he fled ~ the enemy, dia lari apabila berhadapan dgn musuh; 6. in preference to, daripada: he chose death ~ dishonour, dia lebih rela mati daripada menanggung malu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | b. despite, /meskipun, sungguhpun, walaupun/ menghadapi: he succeeded in the ~ of difficulties, dia berjaya meskipun menghadapi kesukaran; keep a straight ~, menahan /senyum, ketawa/, menyembunyikan rasa geli hati; laugh in so’s ~, mentertawakan sso; look so. in the ~, /memandang (ke) muka, menenung, merenung/ sso: since that episode at the club, I just cannot look him in the ~, selepas episod di kelab itu, saya tdk dapat memandang mukanya; lose ~, jatuh air muka, (mendapat) malu; /make, pull/ /a ~, ~s/, membuat muka; meet so. ~ to ~, /bertemu muka, bersemuka/ dgn sso; on the ~, (pd) muka: the shrapnel struck him on the ~, serpihan dr letupan itu terkena mukanya; on the ~ of it, pd /zahirnya, lahirnya/: on the ~ of it, the problem looks easy, pada zahirnya masalah itu kelihatan mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | in (the) ~ of, a. when confronting, ketika menghadapi, bila berhadapan dgn: to show courage in the ~ of danger, menunjukkan keberanian ketika menghadapi bahaya; b. despite, /meskipun, sungguhpun, walaupun/ menghadapi: he succeeded in the ~ of difficulties, dia berjaya meskipun menghadapi kesukaran; keep a straight ~, menahan /senyum, ketawa/, menyembunyikan rasa geli hati; laugh in so’s ~, mentertawakan sso; look so. in the ~, /memandang (ke) muka, menenung, merenung/ sso: since that episode at the club, I just cannot look him in the ~, selepas episod di kelab itu, saya tdk dapat memandang mukanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | be a closed ~ to so., a. (of subject, idea, etc), [sso] tdk tahu apa-apa ttg: computer science is still a closed ~ to me, saya tdk tahu apa-apa ttg sains komputer; b. (of person) sukar difahami; be an open ~, a. (of person), (orang yg) bersikap terbuka; b. (of st) mudah /difahami, dimengerti/; bring so. to ~, a. make so. pay for his crime, sso dibawa ke muka pengadilan; b. make so. explain his conduct, actions, menyuruh sso memberi penjelasan ttg tindakannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bury | ~ o’s face (in st), menyembamkan muka (ke sst); ~ os in o’s /books, studies/, asyik /dgn buku, belajar/ sahaja; ~ os in the country, /memencilkan, mengasingkan/ diri di desa; be buried in /thoughts, memories/ of the past, hanyut dlm kenangan masa /lampau, silam, lalu/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bite | vt 1. seize or attack with the teeth, sting, etc, menggigit; (accidentally) tergigit; (of snake) mematuk, menggigit: the dog bit the postman, anjing menggigit posmen itu; the mosquito bit him on the arm, nyamuk menggigit lengannya; she is biting her nails, dia sedang menggigit kukunya; I bit my tongue, saya tergigit lidah; 2. cause to smart, a. (of wind etc), /menusuk, menggigit/ ke: the cold wind bit our faces, angin sejuk menusuk-nusuk ke muka kami; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]: pepper ~s the tongue, lada sulah memedaskan lidah; 3. corrode, memakan: acid ~s metal, asid memakan logam; 4. take firm hold of, grip, mencengkam: we need a clamp to ~ the wood, kami memerlukan pengapit utk mencengkam kayu itu; 5. (sl), (usu in pass.) deceive, terpedaya: she got bitten in a mail-order swindle, dia terpedaya dlm penipuan pesanan melalui pos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ forward, a. step forward, /tampil, datang/ ke depan; b. present os, tampil ke /depan, muka/: many people came forward with offers of help, banyak orang tampil ke depan utk menawarkan pertolongan; c. be brought forward for discussion, dikemukakan: the proposal will ~ forward at the next meeting, usul itu akan dikemukakan pd mesyuarat yg akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |