benumb | vt 1. make numb, a. (act.) mengebaskan, menyebabkan [sst] (menjadi) kebas; b. (pass.) menjadi kebas: the cold has ~ed her, kesejukan itu mengebaskan badannya; her fingers were ~ed by the cold, jari-jarinya menjadi kebas akibat kesejukan; 2. stupefy, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] /terpempan, terpegun, kaku/; (pass.) terpempan, terpegun, kaku: she was ~ed with fear, dia terpempan krn ketakutan; ~ so’s senses, menyebabkan sso /terpempan, terpegun, kaku/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asleep | adj 1. in a state of sleep, tidur; (of royalty) beradu; (unintentionally) tertidur, terlena, terlelap: the baby is ~ at last, akhirnya bayi itu tidur; to be sound ~, tidur nyenyak; he was ~ on his feet, dia tertidur sambil berdiri; 2. dormant, inactive, tidur, tdk aktif, kelesa: an organization that is weak and usually ~,sebuah pertubuhan yg lemah dan sentiasa tidur; 3. numb, kebas: my foot is ~, kaki saya kebas; 4. (euphem) dead, menutup mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | adj 1. no longer living, a. (gen ), (sudah, telah) mati: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg sudah mati; ~ insects, serangga mati; ~ wood, kayu mati; b. (of person), /sudah, telah/ /meninggal dunia, mati/; (of royalty), /sudah, telah/ mangkat; (of prophet), /sudah, telah/ wafat; (coarse), /sudah, telah/ /mampus, kojol/; c. (of flower), /sudah, telah/ layu; d. (of leaf) kering; 2. inanimate, tdk bernyawa: ~ matter, benda yg tdk bernyawa; 3. numb, kebas: his fingers are ~ with cold, jari-jarinya kebas krn kesejukan; 4. (of sound) bengap, benak, pekak: the ~ sound of the coin as it hit the floor, bunyi bengap syiling itu ketika jatuh ke lantai; 5. (of colour) usam, kusam, pekat: ~ black, warna hitam usam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abstract | vt 1. separate, remove, memisahkan: to ~ metal from ore, memisahkan logam drpd bijih; 2. regard abstractly, mengabstrakkan: one of man’s greatest feats was to ~ the idea of number, salah satu kejayaan manusia yg terbesar ialah mengabstrakkan pengertian nombor; 3. (euphem) steal, kebas, mengambil; 4. summarize, mengikhtisarkan, meringkaskan, mengintisarikan: to ~ an article, mengikhtisarkan makalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |