correlate | vi berhubung kait: the two lines of argument do not ~, kedua-kedua aliran hujah itu tdk berhubung kait; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | 3. (with a pl n) kedua-dua (+ classifier ), kedua-duanya: my parents are ~ linguists, ibu bapa saya kedua-duanya ahli bahasa; ~ (of) these books need repairing, kedua-dua (buah) buku ini perlu dibaiki; she kissed her husband on ~ cheeks, dia mencium kedua-dua belah pipi suaminya; 4. (implying “both together”) berdua: that chair is big enough for ~ of you to sit in, kerusi itu cukup besar utk kamu berdua duduk; the bus broke down so we ~ arrived late, bas rosak, jadi kami berdua tiba lewat; I’m looking for your parents, where are they ~?, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | adj, adv & pron 1. (when functioning as a pron) kedua-duanya: Fadzil and Ahmad ~ teach at the same school, Fadzil dan Ahmad kedua-duanya mengajar di sekolah yg sama; ~ are Indonesians, kedua-duanya orang Indonesia; I didn’t know which was the best so I bought ~, saya tdk tahu mana yg baik, jadi saya beli kedua-duanya; ~ of them, they ~, a. (of humans) kedua-dua mereka, (mereka) kedua-duanya; b. (of non-humans) kedua-duanya; 2. (with 1st or 2nd person pron) kedua-dua, berdua; (colloq) dua-dua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | saya mencari ibu bapa kamu, di mana mereka berdua?; ~ A and B, a. (gen) A dan (juga) B, A serta (juga) B, (baik) A mahupun B, A dan B kedua-duanya, kedua-dua A dan B: there are bedrooms ~ upstairs and downstairs, ada bilik tidur di atas dan juga di bawah; he was ~ proud and happy at his son’s achievements, dia berasa bangga serta gembira atas kejayaan anak lelakinya; the group received a warm welcome, ~ in neighbouring Southeast Asian countries and in the other places which they visited, rombongan itu menerima sambutan hangat, baik di negara-negara tetangga Asia Tenggara mahupun di tempat-tempat lain yg dikunjungi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
either | adj 1. one and the other of two, kedua-dua: at ~ end of the room was a lamp, di kedua-dua hujung bilik itu ada lampu; 2. one or the other of two, mana-mana (satu), salah satu: you may choose ~ room, they’re both vacant, tuan boleh memilih mana-mana bilik itu, kedua-duanya kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
latter | n; the ~, yg kedua: of the two, I prefer the ~, antara dua orang itu, saya lebih menyukai yg kedua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
later | adj 1. coming further down the line, kemudian: we will treat this word in a ~ edition, kami akan mentakrifkan perkataan ini dlm edisi kemudian; 2. the second or last part of a period, pertengahan kedua, akhir kedua: the ~ | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
latter | adj 1. the second mentioned of two, kedua: of the two plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, I prefer the ~, antara dua lakonan itu, Hamlet dan Macbeth, saya lebih menyukai yg kedua;2. belonging to a later time or period, akhir: the ~ part of the novel is set in Greece, bahagian akhir novel itu berlatarkan Greece; he did a lot of travelling in the ~ part of last year, dia banyak berjalan pd akhir tahun lepas; the ~ years of his life, pd tahun-tahun akhir hayatnya; the ~ part of the year, setengah tahun kedua; 3. recent, present, /akhir-akhir, kebelakangan/ ini: life has changed considerably for her in these ~ days, hidupnya banyak berubah akhir-akhir ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hobble | vt tie (horse’s legs together) to hamper movement, mengikat kedua-dua belah kaki: the man ~d his horse so that it would not run away, lelaki itu mengikat kedua-dua belah kaki kudanya supaya kuda itu tdk lari | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | ~ the President and the Prime Minister were sent into exile, Presiden dan Perdana Menteri, kedua-duanya dibuang negeri; the company has offices ~ in Kuala Lumpur and in Ipoh, syarikat itu mempunyai pejabat di kedua-dua Kuala Lumpur dan Ipoh; b. (implying simultaneous actions or states) A dan B sekali gus, sekali gus A dan B: I can’t ~ look after my aged mother and go to work, saya sekaligus tdk dapat menjaga ibu saya yg tua dan pergi kerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |