bristly | adj 1. like bristles, kejur: a ~ moustache, misai yg kejur; 2. covered with bristles, a. (of leaf, plant, etc) berbulu kejur: a thick, ~ bush, pokok renek yg tebal dan berbulu kejur; b. (of face, chin, etc) penuh dgn tunggul janggut; 3. (of person, temperament, mood) mudah melenting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bristle | n 1. short, stiff hair of animal, plant, bulu kejur; 2. (of brush etc) bulu; 3. man’s short cropped beard, tunggul janggut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cold | adj 1. not warm, sejuk: it was ~ yesterday, semalam sejuk; a ~ wind, angin sejuk; my feet are ~, kaki saya sejuk; the soup was ~, sup itu sejuk; are you ~?, kamu sejuk?; 2. made cold, sejuk: ~ drinks, minuman sejuk; 3. without enthusiasm, warmth, dingin: her manner was ~, gayanya dingin; a ~ reception, sambutan yg dingin; she gave him a ~ glance, dia mengerlingnya dgn dingin; 4. objective, objektif: ~ logic, lojik yg objektif; 5. dead, kejur: he lay ~ in his coffin, mayatnya terbujur kejur di dlm keranda; 6. (sl) unconscious, pengsan: he was knocked out ~, dia dipukul lalu pengsan; 7. sexually frigid, dingin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |