familiarity | n 1. closeness, close friendship, hubungan yg rapat, kekariban, kemesraan: his ~ with influential people, hubungannya yg rapat dgn orang-orang yg berpengaruh; 2. undue intimacy, perbuatan yg melewati batas; 3. state of being conversant with, pengetahuan: his ~ with the language, pengetahuannya ttg bahasa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
closeness | n 1. nearness, dekat, berhampiran, berdekatan: they liked the house because of its ~ to the school, mereka suka akan rumah itu krn dekat dgn sekolah; 2. compactness, rapatnya; 3. intimacy, kekariban: many people envied their ~, ramai orang yg iri hati thdp kekariban mereka; 4. strictness, rigorousness, kerapian; 5. thoroughness, ketelitian; 6. faithfulness, quality of not deviating, ketepatan; 7. oppressiveness, kesesakan (udara): the ~ of the room, kesesakan udara bilik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |