commotion | n kekecohan: what’s all the ~ about?, apa yg menyebabkan kekecohan itu?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brouhaha | n kekecohan, kerecokan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fuss | n nervous or excited activity, commotion, kekecohan, kehebohan, kecoh, heboh: what’s all the ~ about ?, apa yg kecoh ini?; it’s a lot of ~ about nothing, banyak kecoh tdk berpasal; she causes a ~ wherever she goes, dia buat kecoh di mana sahaja dia pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flutter | flutter n 1. quick, flapping motion, (of wings) mengepak-ngepak; (of eyelashes) mengerdip-ngerdipkan, mengedip-ngedipkan; (of fan) menggetar-getarkan, menggerak-gerakkan: the birds rose with a ~ of wings, burung-burung itu terbang dgn sayap mengepak-ngepak; 2. (colloq) excitement, kekecohan, agak kecoh: the news of the visit caused a ~, berita ttg lawatan itu menimbulkan kekecohan; be / all of, in/ a ~, agak gelabah; (of more than one person) agak kecoh; put so. in a ~, menyebabkan sso agak /gelabah, kecoh/: his statement put the experts in a mild ~, kenyataannya menyebabkan para pakar agak kecoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrival | n 1. act of, a. (reaching destination, appearing on the scene) ketibaan, tiba, sampai: crowds of people watched the ~ of the guests, banyak orang yg memperhatikan ketibaan para tetamu itu; to wait for the ~ of fresh supplies, menunggu bekalan yg baru tiba; his unexpected ~ at the party caused quite a stir, ketibaannya yg tdk disangka-sangka di majlis itu menimbulkan kekecohan sedikit; b. (coming of season etc) ketibaan, sampai: torrential downpours signalled the ~ of the wet season, hujan lebat yg turun mencurah-curah menandakan ketibaan musim tengkujuh; c. (reaching an objective, end) mencapai; d. (colloq) being born, kelahiran; 2. time of arriving, waktu ketibaan: ~s and departures, waktu ketibaan dan waktu berlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |