dregs | n 1. keladak: coffee ~, keladak kopi; /drink, drain/st to the ~, (me)minum sst sehingga habis; 2. (derog), (fig.) sampah: the ~ of society, sampah masyarakat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dross | n 1. scum of metal, sanga; 2. waste matter, a. (dregs) keladak; b. (chaff) dedak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | debate, etc, perkara, pokok perbicaraan: the lecturer just went over the same ~ without adding anything new, pensyarah itu mengulang perkara yg sama tanpa menambah sst yg baru; be on familiar ~, sst tdk asing: I was relieved when they started talking about local politics – here I was on familiar ~, saya berasa lega apabila mereka mula bercakap ttg politik tempatan – perkara ini tdk asing bagi saya; 8. (often in pl) reason, justification, sebab, alasan: he resigned on the ~s of ill-health, dia berhenti kerja atas sebab-sebab kesihatan; ~s of appeal, alasan rayuan; 9. (in pl) sediment, dregs, keladak, serdak: coffee ~s, keladak kopi; 10. background, a. (in painting) latar; b. (on cloth) tanah: a zig-zag design on a white ~, reka bentuk zig-zag pd tanah berwarna putih; 11. (electr) bumi: ~ adaptor, penyesuai bumi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | n 1. the lowest part, a. (gen) bahagian bawah: the ~ of the page, bahagian bawah muka surat; the ~ of the wall, bahagian bawah dinding itu; b. (of hill, mountain) kaki; c. (of container) dasar: the dregs have sunk to the ~ of the glass, keladak telah mendap ke dasar gelas; /at, from, to/ the ~, /di, dr, ke/ bawah; 2. underside, /bahagian, sebelah/ bawah: the ~ of the plank was infested with termites, bahagian bawah papan itu penuh dgn anai-anai; the ~ of the kettle was dirty, bahagian bawah cerek itu kotor; 3. ground under a body of water, dasar: the ~ of the sea, dasar laut; the river ~, dasar sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |