block | vt 1. shape on a block, membentuk [n] di atas kelebut: to ~ a hat, membentuk topi di atas kelebut 2. obstruct, (act.) menyekat, menghalangi, merintangi; (pass.) tersekat, terhalang, terintang: they tried to ~ his promotion, mereka mencuba menyekat kenaikan pangkatnya; to ~ a bill, menyekat rang undang-undang; to ~ an opponent, menyekat lawan; the road was ~ed by a landslide, jalan raya itu tersekat oleh tanah runtuh; 3. restrict use, conversion of (currency etc) mengehadkan /penggunaan, pertukaran/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 2 | n kelebut kasut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | n 1. solid piece of wood, stone, etc used in buildings, blok; 2. any bulky piece of stone, wood, etc, bongkah; 3. such a piece for chopping, cutting, etc on, landas: a butcher’s ~, landas penjual daging; 4. building block (child’s toy) blok; 5. mould, form on which articles are shaped, displayed, kelebut: a hat ~, kelebut topi; 6. large building of flats, offices, etc, blok: a ~ of flats, satu blok rumah pangsa; 7. mass of buildings bounded by intersecting streets, blok: she lives on my ~, dia tinggal di blok saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |