in | ~ and out of, is sometimes in and sometimes out of, keluar masuk: he’s always ~ and out of jail, dia asyik keluar masuk penjara; be ~ for, a. be likely to face, undergo (st unpleasant) akan (approp v): by the look of the sky, we’re ~ for a storm, memandangkan keadaan langit, kita akan dilanda ribut; she’s ~ for a disappointment if she thinks he’s going to marry her, dia akan berasa kecewa jika dia menyangka pemuda itu akan mengahwininya; be ~ for it, habislah, kenalah: I’ll be ~ for it if my mother finds out, habislah saya kalau emak saya dapat tahu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coming | n kedatangan: his ~ here was unexpected, kedatangannya ke mari tdk disangka-sangka; the ~ of winter, kedatangan musim sejuk; ~s and goings, (approp n +) keluar masuk: she watched in fascination the ~s and goings of the guests, dia melihat tetamu-tetamu keluar masuk dgn asyiknya; there was a lot of ~s and goings in the house next door, banyak kali orang keluar masuk di rumah sebelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jailbird | n (orang yg) keluar masuk penjara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glide | sitting on deck, we watched the river ~ slowly by, sambil duduk di atas geladak kami melihat sungai mengalir perlahan; waiters ~d in and out of the room with trays of food and drink, pelayan-pelayan itu berjalan dgn cepat keluar masuk bilik membawa dulang berisi makanan dan minuman; 2. (of time) passing imperceptibly, berlalu: the years are gliding by, tahun demi tahun berlalu; 3. (of an aircraft) fly without engine power, meluncur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flow | 7. past, progress, berlalu: as the weeks ~ed by his chances of recovery became increasingly slight, makin minggu-minggu itu berlalu makin kecil peluangnya utk sembuh; generations of students ~ed in and out of her life almost unnoticed, angkatan mahasiswa berlalu keluar masuk dlm hidupnya hampir tanpa disedari; 8. hang freely, loosely, mengurai, berjurai: her dark hair ~ed over her shoulders, rambutnya yg hitam mengurai melepasi bahunya; 9. abound in, melimpah-ruah: he came from a family ~ing with love and affection, dia datang dr keluarga yg melimpah-ruah dgn cinta dan kasih sayang; a land ~ing with natural resources, bumi yg melimpah-ruah dgn sumber semula jadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freely | adv 1. in great amounts, banyak: the wound was bleeding ~, luka itu berdarah dgn banyak; 2. frequently, kerap, sering: the word “Thatcherism” was ~ used in the discussion, kata “Thatcherisme” sering digunakan dlm perbincangan itu; 3. without restriction or control, (dgn) bebas: goods now move ~ between Britain and the mainland of Europe, barangan sekarang keluar masuk dgn bebas antara Britain dan tanah besar Eropah; we can’t talk ~ in this office, kita tdk boleh bercakap dgn bebas di pejabat ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
file1 | ~ /in, out /, masuk, keluar / /berderet, berbaris/ satu per satu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
access | to give so. ~ to classified information, membolehkan sso mengetahui maklumat rahsia; have ~ to, [various translations]: the villagers have ~ to the common, penduduk-penduduk kampung boleh menggunakan tanah wakaf itu; to have ~ to the secret files, berpeluang melihat fail-fail sulit itu; only a few people have ~ to the information, hanya beberapa orang sahaja dapat mengetahui maklumat itu; means of ~, jalan keluar masuk; right of ~, hak masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freedom | n 1. (liberty) kebebasan; (political independence) kemerdekaan: the ~ of the press, kebebasan akhbar; ~ of speech, kebebasan bercakap; the children of today demand more ~, anak-anak hari ini menuntut kebebasan yg lebih banyak; she had complete ~ to come and go as she pleased, dia mempunyai kebebasan sepenuhnya utk datang dan pergi sesuka hati; they fought for the ~ of their country, mereka berjuang utk kemerdekaan negara mereka; 2. a. being without (pain, suffering, hunger, etc) kebebasan, membebaskan [sso drpd sst]; b. exemption (from taxation) kebebasan; 3. unrestricted use of, kebebasan (+ approp v): I gave him the ~ of my house, saya memberinya kebebasan keluar masuk rumah saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grand | a ~ wedding, majlis perkahwinan besar-besaran; a ~ procession, perarakan besar-besaran; in ~ style, dgn cara yg mewah: they lived in ~ style, mereka hidup dgn cara yg mewah; make a ~ /entrance, exit/, /masuk, keluar/ dgn hebatnya; 3. rich and sumptuous, indah-indah: ~ furnishings, perabot yg indah-indah; she needed ~ clothes to go to these parties, dia memerlukan pakaian yg indah-indah utk menghadiri majlis-majlis ini; 4. socially superior, distinguished, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |