independence | n 1. state of being independent, kebebasan; (of state, country, etc) kemerdekaan: he felt he should be given more ~, dia berasa dia patut diberi lebih kebebasan; intellectual ~, kebebasan intelektual; the colony was granted ~ six years later, tanah jajahan itu diberi kemerdekaan enam tahun kemudian; 2. time when a country obtains political independence, kemerdekaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freedom | n 1. (liberty) kebebasan; (political independence) kemerdekaan: the ~ of the press, kebebasan akhbar; ~ of speech, kebebasan bercakap; the children of today demand more ~, anak-anak hari ini menuntut kebebasan yg lebih banyak; she had complete ~ to come and go as she pleased, dia mempunyai kebebasan sepenuhnya utk datang dan pergi sesuka hati; they fought for the ~ of their country, mereka berjuang utk kemerdekaan negara mereka; 2. a. being without (pain, suffering, hunger, etc) kebebasan, membebaskan [sso drpd sst]; b. exemption (from taxation) kebebasan; 3. unrestricted use of, kebebasan (+ approp v): I gave him the ~ of my house, saya memberinya kebebasan keluar masuk rumah saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Independence Day | n Hari Kemerdekaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Declaration of Independence | n Perisytiharan Kemerdekaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | 3. (often D~) date of specif event, festival, etc, hari: Labour D~, Hari Perayaan Pekerja; Independence D~, Hari Kemerdekaan; 4. day reserved for regular event, hari: assembly ~, hari perhimpunan; Monday is my ironing ~, hari Isnin ialah hari saya menyeterika pakaian; 5. period of day allotted to working, sehari: she works an 8 hour ~, dia bekerja lapan jam sehari; his working ~ is six hours, dia bekerja enam jam sehari; 6. period of time, masa, zaman; (ref to period of rule), /zaman, masa/ pemerintahan: in his young ~s, pd masa dia muda-muda dahulu; during the colonial ~s, semasa zaman penjajahan; in the ~s of Henry VIII, semasa zaman pemerintahan Henry VIII; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | a monument was erected ~ his memory, sebuah tugu dibina untuk memperingatinya; they went off ~ search of gold, mereka pergi untuk mencari emas; they fought ~ the cause of freedom, mereka berjuang untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan; 27. (indic identity or describing who or what one means), [various translations]: he has no malice ~ him, dia tdk ada perasaan hasad dengki; you will always have a friend ~ me, saya sentiasa menjadi kawanmu; ~ her I see the leader we’ve been waiting for, dialah tokoh pemimpin yg ita nanti-nantikan or padanya saya nampak nilai-nilai pemimpin yg ita nanti-nantikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advance | ~ towards, a. go in the direction of (so., st) /mara, menuju/ke arah: b. begin to become or reach, /bergerak, menuju/ ke arah: as the country ~d towards independence..., ketika negara itu sedang menuju ke arah kemerdekaan...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | vt 1. treat with respect, menghormati: the child had been taught to ~ his parents, budak itu telah diajar utk menghormati ibu bapanya; 2. pay tribute, homage to, a. (gen) memberi penghormatan: he was ~ed with the title of “Father of Independence”, dia diberi penghormatan dgn gelaran “Bapa Kemerdekaan”; they observed a minute’s silence to ~ the fallen heroes, mereka bertafakur selama seminit utk memberi penghormatan kpd wira-wira yg telah gugur; b. (by ruler, specif authority, organisation), /menganugerahi, mengurniai/ [sso] + approp n: a dedicated teacher who was ~ed for his services, guru yg berdedikasi yg telah dianugerahi pingat krn jasanya; 3. fulfil, keep, menghormati: it is hoped that all parties will ~ the agreement, diharapkan bahawa kesemua pihak menghormati perjanjian itu; 4. (cheque, bill) melunaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
existence | n 1. state of existing or being, kewujudan, wujud(nya), ada(nya): I didn’t know of its ~ until I read about it in the magazine, saya tdk tahu ttg kewujudannya sehingga saya terbaca tentangnya dlm majalah itu; he believes in the ~ of fairies, dia percaya bahawa pari-pari wujud; come into ~, (mula) wujud: many institutions have come into ~ since Independence, banyak institusi telah wujud sejak Kemerdekaan; be in ~, wujud, ada: sophisticated technologies that are now in ~, teknologi canggih yg wujud sekarang; 2. life, way of life, hidup: a farmer in these parts could only eke out a meagre ~, petani yg tinggal di kawasan ini hanya dapat hidup kais pagi makan pagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clamour | n 1. loud, confused outcry of human voices or animal sounds, bunyi riuh; (extremely loud) bunyi /riuh-rendah, hingar-bingar/: the ~ of voices coming from the other room, bunyi riuh suara dr bilik sebelah; 2. loud, continued noise, bunyi bising: she closed the window to shut out the ~ of the traffic, dia menutup tingkap supaya bunyi bising lalu lintas tdk kedengaran; 3. loud, insistent demand or complaint, suara desakan ramai: the ~ for independence grew more insistent, suara desakan ramai yg menuntut kemerdekaan menjadi bertambah kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |