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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fleckvt (usu pass.) a. mark with very small spots of, berbintik-bintik: her eyes were grey ~ ed with green, matanya berwarna kelabu berbintik-bintik hijau; b. mark with small patches of, bertompok-tompok: small clouds ~ed the sky, kepul-kepul awan bertompok-tompok di langitKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
belchvi 1. expel wind noisily from the stomach, bersendawa, bersedawa; 2. also ~ out, gush forth, /terhambur, terluah, termuntah/ keluar; (of smoke) keluar /berkepul-kepul, berkembut-kembut, berpual-pual, berpulun-pulun, bergumpal-gumpal/: thick black smoke ~ed out from the chimney, asap yg tebal dan hitam keluar berkepul-kepul dr serombong itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
belchvt 1. also ~ (st) out, expel forcefully, /meluahkan, memuntahkan, menghamburkan/ sst; (smoke) mengeluarkan [sst] /berkepul-kepul, berkembut-kembut, berpual-pual, berpulun-pulun, bergumpal-gumpal/: a volcano ~ing out lava, gunung berapi yg memuntahkan lava; 2. utter forcibly, menghamburkan, meluahkan: his mouth ~ed obscenities, mulutnya menghamburkan kata-kata lucah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
belchn 1. act of belching, sendawa, sedawa; 2. st expelled forcefully, luahan, muntahan, hamburan; (smoke) keluar /berkepul-kepul, berkembut-kembut, berpual-pual, berpulun-pulun, bergumpal-gumpal/: a ~ of flame and ashes, luahan api dan abu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
billowvi 1. rise, roll in billows, a. (of sea) bergelombang (besar), berombak besar: the sea ~ed restlessly, laut bergelombang tanpa henti-hentinya; b. (of smoke) berkepul-kepul, bergumpal-gumpal; 2. swell out, menggelembung, melembung: her skirt was ~ing in the wind, skirtnya menggelembung ditiup angin.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fine14. consists of very small particles, halus; (of mist, smoke) tipis: ~ sand, pasir yg halus; clouds of ~ dust rose up when he entered the empty house, habuk yg halus berkepul-kepul naik apabila dia memasuki rumah yg kosong itu; 5. having very small holes, halus (matanya): ~ fishing nets, jala ikan yg halus matanya; ~ sieve, tapisan yg halus; 6. delicate, subtle, halus: a ~ difference in meaning, perbezaan makna yg halus; he made a few ~ adjustments to the car’s engine, dia membuat beberapa penyesuaian yg halus pd enjin keretanya; the ~r details of the argument escaped him, dia tdk dapat menangkap butiran-butiran yg halus dlm perdebatan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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