train | n 1. railway carriages or wagons joined together, kereta api: our ~ leaves at 5.30, kereta api kami bertolak pd pukul 5.30; he caught a ~ to London, dia naik kereta api ke London; this ~ will be drawn by a 1930’s locomotive, kereta api ini akan ditarik oleh lokomotif tahun 1930-an; a goods ~, kereta api barang; miss the ~, ketinggalan kereta api; change ~s, menukar kereta api; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
subway | 2. (US) underground railway, kereta api bawah tanah: thousands of people travel to work by ~, beribu-ribu orang pergi bekerja dgn menaiki kereta api bawah tanah; a ~ station, stesen kereta api bawah tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rail 1 | 4. the railway, kereta api: she always travels by ~, dia selalu naik kereta api; go off the ~s, a. (of train) tergelincir; b. (colloq) become mad, jadi miring; c. act in unusual, abnormal way, berperangai pelik: when she came back from abroad she went off the ~s and frequented the discos, apabila dia balik dr luar negeri dia berperangai pelik dan selalu mengunjungi disko; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrain | vi (tech) menaiki kereta api: the troops ~ed for the border, askar-askar itu menaiki kereta api utk ke sempadan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
underground | 2. the ~, the underground railway, kereta api bawah tanah: they travelled about in London by the ~, mereka mengembara ke mana-mana saja di London dgn menaiki kereta api bawah tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tube | 4. (UK), (colloq) underground railway, kereta api bawah tanah: take the ~ to Brixton and wait for me at the news stand round the corner, naik kereta api bawah tanah ke Brixton dan tunggu saya di gerai surat khabar dekat selekoh itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shunt | vt 1. turn (train, carriage, etc) from one line to another, memiraukan: the goods train was ~ed because the express was due, kereta api barang dipiraukan krn kereta api ekspres akan sampai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intersect | vt cut across or pass through, menyilangi; (angle) memotong, menyilangi: the level crossing where the road ~s the railway line, lintasan kereta api tempat jalan raya menyilangi landasan kereta api; line AB ~s line CD, garis AB menyilangi garis CD; the line that ~s the angle at B, garisan yg memotong sudut itu pd titik B; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reason | n 1. cause, sebab: the ~ the train arrived late is that there was flooding on the line near Connaught, sebabnya kereta api tiba lewat adalah krn berlaku banjir di jalan kereta api berhampiran Connaught; he lost his temper for no ~, dia naik marah tanpa sebab; there is a ~ for everything, ada sebab bagi segala-galanya; for ~s of st, for st ~s, /krn, atas/ sebab-sebab sst: for ~s of security or for security ~s, atas sebab-sebab keselamatan; have every ~ to + v, memang /ada sebab-sebabnya utk, patut/ + v: you ruined her car, so she had every ~ to be angry with you, kamu merosakkan keretanya, jadi memang patut dia marah pd kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
board | go by the ~, be neglected, disregarded, terabai, diabaikan, diketepikan, [sometimes mengabaikan, mengetepikan]; /go, get/ on ~, menaiki /kapal, kapal terbang, kereta api, dsb/; be on ~, berada di dlm (/kapal, kapal terbang, kereta api dsb/): they are on ~ the QEII, mereka berada di dlm kapal QEII; be on the ~s, menjadi pelakon; sweep the ~, a. (in a competition, contest) /membolot, menggondol, memenangi/ semua hadiah; b. (in an election) /membolot, memenangi/ semua kerusi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |