clasp | n 1. fastening device, pengancing, kancing; (using hook) pencangkuk, cangkuk; (in the form of a brooch) kerongsang: the handbag has a goldplated ~, kancing beg tangan itu bersalut emas; the ~ of the brooch is broken, pengancing kerongsang itu patah; she fastened the ~ of her necklace, dia mengenakan cangkuk rantainya; 2. embrace, pelukan, dakapan: she finally was able to break from his ~, akhirnya dia dapat melepaskan diri drpd pelukannya; 3. grasp, genggaman: the firm ~ of his hand, genggaman tangannya yg kuat; hold st in a ~, menggenggam sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brooch | n kerongsang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breast-pin | n kerongsang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filigree | n filigri: a ~ brooch, kerongsang filigri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fix | vt 1. put into place, a. (by attaching, fastening) memasang; (ornament, accessory, etc) mengenakan; (brooch, medal, etc) menyematkan: how was the statue ~ed to the pedestal?, bagaimanakah patung itu dipasang pd tapaknya?; can you ~ a new leg on this table?, bolehkah kamu pasang kaki baru pd meja ini?; please ~ this brooch on my dress for me, tolong sematkan kerongsang ini pd baju saya; b. (by putting into the ground etc) memacakkan, memancangkan: each post must be firmly ~ed in the ground, setiap tiang mestilah dipacakkan dgn kukuh ke tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |