awry | adv 1. crookedly, herot; 2. amiss, tdk keruan; go ~, menjadi tdk keruan: all our plans have gone ~, semua rancangan kita sudah menjadi tdk keruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incoherence | n keadaan [sso yg] tdk keruan; (of speech) tdk keruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distraught | adj very upset, frantic, tdk keruan: she became quite ~ when told that her son was missing, dia menjadi tdk keruan apabila diberitahu anaknya hilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confused | adj 1. bewildered, keliru: after listening to his explanation I became more ~, selepas mendengar penjelasannya saya menjadi lebih keliru; 2. disorderly, muddled, berkecamuk tdk keruan; (of mind, thoughts) bercelaru: ~ sounds and voices, bunyi dan suara yg tdk keruan; 3. unclear, kabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jumbled | adj 1. be, lie, etc in a mess, bercampur aduk: books, toys and clothes lay in a ~ mass at the bottom of the cupboard, buku, barang-barang permainan dan baju bercampur aduk di bahagian bawah almari itu; 2. mixed up, tdk keruan; (of thoughts, ideas) berkecamuk: ~ sounds, bunyi yg tdk keruan; ~ thoughts, fikiran yg berkecamuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disarray | n; in ~, a. (gen) berse(le)rak: the jewellery in the cabinet was in ~, barang-barang kemas dlm kabinet itu berselerak; b. (of dress, clothes) tdk keruan; c. (of hair) kusut, usai; d. (of troops, party, government, etc) dlm keadaan kucar-kacir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awry | adj 1. crooked, herot(-berot): his shoe-laces were untied and his tie was all ~, tali kasutnya tdk berikat dan tali lehernya herot-berot; 2. wrong, tdk keruan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jumble | n 1. confused mixture of physical things, approp n + yg bercampur aduk; (of st) bercampur aduk: the ~ that one usually finds on his bed, segala benda yg bercampur aduk yg selalu terdapat di atas katilnya; a ~ of equipment and tools, alat-alat dan perkakas yg bercampur aduk; 2. confused mixture of abstract things, tdk keruan; (of thoughts, ideas) berkecamuk: a ~ of street sounds, bunyi dr jalan raya yg tdk keruan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confusion | n 1. bewilderment, kekeliruan: the two conflicting statements have caused quite a bit of ~, dua kenyataan yg bertentangan itu telah menimbulkan sedikit sebanyak kekeliruan; I could see the ~ on her face when she read the report, saya dapat melihat kekeliruan di wajahnya apabila dia membaca laporan itu; 2. chaos, keadaan /kacau, tdk keruan/: there was ~ after the bomb exploded in the hotel lobby, keadaan tdk keruan setelah bom meletup di ruang legar hotel itu; 3. state of uncertainty, kekeliruan: there was some ~ about the seating arrangements, terdapat kekeliruan ttg susunan tempat duduk; 4. act of mixing up (so., st) kekeliruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |