conclusion | n 1. (end, termination) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (closing part) bahagian akhir; (of book, speech, etc) kesimpulan; in ~, akhir sekali, sebagai penutup; 2. deduction, kesimpulan; /come to, reach/ a ~, membuat kesimpulan; draw a ~, membuat kesimpulan; jump to ~s, membuat kesimpulan dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. act of arranging and setting, a. (agreement, treaty, etc) pengikatan: the ~ of the trade agreement with Bulgaria, pengikatan perjanjian perdagangan dgn Bulgaria; b. (sale, deal, negotiation, etc) pencapaian persetujuan dlm; c. (alliance) pembentukan, d. (compromise) pencapaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implicit | adj 1. implied, tersirat: all the conditions whether explicit or ~ must be agreed to, semua syarat, sama ada nyata atau tersirat, mestilah dipersetujui; her reply carried an ~ threat, jawapannya mengandungi ugutan yg tersirat; although he draws no conclusions, they are ~ in his argument, walaupun dia tdk membuat sebarang kesimpulan, kesimpulan itu tersirat dlm hujahnya; 2. unquestioning, absolute, penuh; (of obedience) mutlak: I have ~ faith in his ability to cope with the situation, saya mempunyai kepercayaan penuh thdp kebolehannya menghadapi keadaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infer | vt reach an opinion by reasoning, membuat kesimpulan; (leg.) membuat inferens: I ~ from your remarks that you disagree, drpd kata-kata tuan saya membuat kesimpulan bahawa tuan tdk bersetuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amenable | adj 1. always ~ to, responsive, mahu + approp v: he is not ~ to discipline, dia tdk mahu mengikut disiplin; a man who is ~ to advice, orang yg mahu mendengar nasihat; 2. willing to yield, submit, mahu mengalah: he found his future wife ~, dia mendapati bakal isterinya mahu mengalah; 3. always ~ to, answerable, responsible, bertanggungjawab: ~ to the law, bertanggungjawab thdp undang-undang; 4. able to withstand testing, tahan uji: the results were ~ to scientific laws, kesimpulan-kesimpulan itu tahan uji menurut hukum-hukum sains. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inescapable | adj unavoidable, tdk dapat dielakkan: the ~ conclusiom was that his wife had committed adultery, kesimpulan yg tdk dapat dielakkan ialah isterinya telah berzina; the ~ conclusion, kesimpulan yg tdk dapat dielakkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inference | n 1. act, process of forming conclusion, membuat kesimpulan; (leg.) membuat inferens; if... then by ~ ..., jika... kesimpulannya...: if we are at fault, then by ~ so are you, jika kami bersalah, kesimpulannya, kamu juga bersalah; 2. conclusion, st inferred, kesimpulan; (leg.) inferens: it was a reasonable ~ to draw from the statement, itu kesimpulan yg wajar yg dibuat berdasarkan kenyataan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deduce | vt 1. (gen) menyimpulkan, /membuat, menarik/ kesimpulan: it has been ~d from these facts that ..., berdasarkan fakta-fakta ini telah disimpulkan bahawa ...; we can ~ from his reaction that he was willing to cooperate, drpd reaksinya kita dapat membuat kesimpulan bahawa dia sanggup bekerjasama; 2. (result, method, rule, etc) menyimpulkan; (tech) mendeduksi: to ~ a hypothesis, menyimpulkan satu hipotesis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | 4. be true as a logical consequence, kesimpulan: everybody thinks that he murdered the old lady but I don’t see how that ~s from the statements that the witnesses have made, semua orang fikir bahawa dia yg membunuh wanita tua itu, tetapi saya tdk nampak bagaimana kesimpulan ini boleh dibuat berdasarkan keterangan para saksi; it ~s that, bererti, bermakna: she’s not in her room but it doesn’t neccessarily ~ that she hasn’t come to work, dia tdk ada di biliknya, tetapi itu tdk semestinya bererti dia belum masuk kerja; 5. imitate, mengikut: the ABC Bank took the initiative and the other banks ~ed, Bank ABC mengambil inisiatif dan yg lainnya mengikut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
two | put ~ and ~ together, (fig.) membuat kesimpulan: “How did you know I was going on holiday?” “Well I saw you come out of the travel agent’s and then you went and bought a new suitcase, so I just put ~ and ~ together”, “Bagaimana kamu tahu saya akan pergi bercuti?” “Saya nampak kamu keluar dr pejabat ejen pelancongan dan selepas itu kamu pergi membeli beg baru, jadi saya membuat kesimpulan saja”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sum | vt; ~ up, a. make judgement about (st or so’s behaviour) membaca; (so.) membuat kesimpulan ttg: at a glance mother ~med up the true situation, dgn sekali pandang saja, ibu dapat membaca keadaan yg sebenar; he’s a very astute person and can ~ up a person very quickly, dia seorang yg bijak dan boleh membuat kesimpulan ttg seseorang dgn cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |