primacy | n 1. (fml) first in rank, importance, etc, keutamaan: the ~ of parliament in a democracy, keutamaan parlimen dlm sistem demokrasi; the elimination of rural poverty must have ~ in our plans, pembasmian kemiskinan di luar bandar hendaklah diberi keutamaan dlm rancangan kita; 2. (Christianity) position of a primate, jawatan utama ketua biskop. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
preference | n 1. a greater liking, [sso] lebih suka: I have a ~ for historical novels, saya lebih suka novel sejarah; 2. thing that is liked better, pilihan, yg [sso] lebih suka: what is your ~, red or blue?, apa pilihan kamu, merah atau biru?; 3. favour shown to one person, group, keutamaan: ~ will be given to members of the organisation, keutamaan akan diberi kpd ahli-ahli pertubuhan itu; shareholders will have ~ over non-shareholders in the new issue, berbanding dgn bukan pemegang saham, pemegang saham akan mendapat keutamaan dlm pengeluaran saham baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
priority | n 1. precedence, coming before others in position or time, hak istimewa: no country has ~ in this field, tdk ada negeri yg mempunyai hak istimewa dlm bidang ini; 2. right of precedence, keutamaan: first ~ was given to the immigrants with technical skills, keutamaan diberikan kpd pendatang yg mempunyai kemahiran teknikal; a vehicle coming from the right has ~, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nation | n 1. politically organized community of people, negara: the newly independent ~s, negara-negara yg baru merdeka; a member ~ of the Commonwealth, negara ahli Komanwel; the Prime Minister addressed the whole ~ on National Day, Perdana Menteri berucap kpd seluruh negara pd Hari Kebangsaan; most favoured ~, negara keutamaan; 2. large group of people of the same race and language, bangsa: the Palestinian ~, bangsa Palestin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
place | ~ st on, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. see vt (sense 3. ); ~ a construction on, memberi tafsiran ttg: everyone seemed to have ~d their own construction on the incident, setiap orang nampaknya memberi tafsiran masing-masing ttg kejadian itu; ~ so. on oath, meminta sso /bersumpah, berjanji/; ~ a premium on, meletakkan keutamaan pd: he ~d a premium on good inter-office relationships, believing the firm would function more smoothly this way, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |