frivolity | n 1. (gaiety) keriangan; (lack of seriousness) sikap /tdk serius, semberono/: his ~ on such a solemn occasion was not only out of place but also annoying, sikap semberononya dlm majlis yg penuh khidmat begitu bukan sahaja tdk kena tempatnya tetapi juga menjengkelkan; 2. (usu pl), (frivolous comments) perkara yg tdk serius; (frivolous activities) kegiatan yg seronok-seronok; (frivolous things) benda-benda yg tdk penting: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
case 1 | 4. circumstance, kes, hal: to make an exception in his ~, membuat pengecualian dlm kesnya; 5. (med) kes: the worst ~s were sent to the hospital, kes-kes yg teruk dihantar ke hospital; 6. (leg.) kes: the facts of the ~, fakta-fakta ttg kes tersebut; 7. set of reasons, sebab-sebab, alasan-alasan: there is a ~ for calling in an expert, ada sebab-sebabnya utk mendapat khidmat pakar; 8. (gram.) kasus: nominative ~, kasus nominatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acknowledge | vt 1. admit, mengakui: he ~d his ignorance of the law, dia mengakui kejahilannya ttg undang-undang; one should be able to ~ o’s mistakes, seseorang harus dapat mengakui kesilapannya; to ~ defeat, mengaku kalah; 2. recognize, accept, mengakui; (fml) mengiktiraf: to ~ the truth of a statement, mengakui kebenaran sesuatu kenyataan; to ~ so. as leader, mengakui sso sbg pemimpin; he was ~d as heir to the throne, baginda diiktiraf sbg pewaris takhta kerajaan; 3. indicate appreciation for, menghargai: to ~ so’s services, menghargai khidmat sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |