courier | n 1. special messenger, utusan khas; ~ service, perkhidmatan kiriman cepat; 2. tourist guide, pemandu pelancong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correspond | vi 1. usu ~ /with, to/, be in harmony, be compatible, secocok: his actions do not ~ with his words, tindakan-tindakannya tdk secocok dgn kata-katanya; his expenses do not ~ to his income, perbelanjaannya tdk secocok dgn pendapatannya; the description given by the witness does not ~ with the newspaper report, keterangan yg diberikan oleh saksi tdk secocok dgn laporan akhbar; 2. be similar or equivalent, sama (+ approp n): the American Congress ~s to the British Parliament, Kongres Amerika sama fungsinya spt Parlimen British; there’s no one word in Malay that ~s to the word ‘gaudy’, tdk ada satu perkataan dlm bahasa Melayu yg sama ertinya dgn perkataan ‘gaudy’; 3. communicate by letter, /berkirim-kirim(an), berutus-utus/ surat: they have been ~ing for years, mereka telah berkirim-kiriman surat bertahun-tahun lamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |